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Is ESP32 (including SDK) stable for making commercial products?

I'm studying ESP32 for a wifi project, although there are alternatives like CC3200 (TI), because of its price. But I suspect the reliability of ESP32's hardware or SDK.

I found some bugs while developing simple projects. I reported these to ESP but, they just delivered it to the development team, there was no additional response.

I would like to use a big company product like TI, but the price competitiveness of ESP32 is too good.

I would like to hear from those who have developed commercial products with ESP32.

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JoonDong Avatar asked Jan 14 '18 14:01


People also ask

Is ESP32 suitable for commercial use?

Both the ESP32 and STM32 can be used in commercial applications, like any commercially available MCU.

Can I use ESP32 for production?

ESP32 has a facility to move 'hot spots' around, to distribute the writes across multiple physical locations, then an app would do them all in one place if left to its own devices. Just how well this plays out in real life applications I can't say. It is surely inexpensive enough to be used in mass production.

How stable is ESP32?

ESP32 running official firmware is reasonably stable but it has this problem which in my opinion is a complete deal-breaker.

Which products use ESP32?

There are literally no commercial products that use ESP32 (or its older brother ESP8266) besides some chinese cheap toys on Amazon. There are packages out there that use ESP32 as a "augmentation" chip to do OTA with a main processor being STM32 or NXP.

1 Answers

I'm not sure that just saying that because Espressif has shipped 100 Million ESP32 chips is the best answer to the question of whether it is stable enough for implementation in a product. I will say that my company is using it, but the newness of the chip has definitely added some hurdles. However, I do believe it is stable enough for use in products. I'm not sure if you were using the Arduino libraries or the IDF, but my experience with the IDF has been pretty good.

The ESP-IDF v3 (which is currently in pre-release) appears to have added substantial stability as well as opening up new features such as Light Sleep. I would recommend implementing Over The Air updates if you plan on using wifi, just in case though. That way you can update your customers' firmware if you end up finding any bugs later.

Something else to consider is the amount of documentation on the chip and the idf that you'll need. Both are pretty well documented, but I've ocassionaly found myself wishing there were more examples or guides for some function sets. The documentation is definitely improving though, so as time goes on this will get better. Espressif is extremely active on the ESP-IDF GitHub.

Also, the chip has had a couple of silicon revisions, so that may be something you want to look into as well to see if anything revised will hinder you in one version of the chip vs. another.

You can check a lot of this out for yourself in the ESP32 Docs: https://esp-idf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html and ESP-IDF GitHub: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf

Side-Note: I don't agree that this should be posted in arduino.stackexchange.com at all... Why would the fact that the ESP32 has Arduino wrapper libraries make this specific question only relevant to the Arduino Stackexchange?

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EGibson Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10
