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Is Erlang really a functional language? [closed]


I hear all the time that Erlang is a functional language, yet it is easy to call databases or non side-effect free code from a function, and commands are easily ordered by using "," commas between them just like Ruby or another language, so where is the "functional" part of Erlang?

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yazz.com Avatar asked Feb 16 '10 08:02


People also ask

Is Erlang a functional language?

Erlang is a functional, general-purpose language oriented towards building scalable, concurrent systems with high availability guarantees. It was built at the end of the 1980s at Ericsson for handling telephone switches.

Is Erlang still used?

This suggests that while Erlang is still being used, startups aren't excited about it. One reason Erlang may be declining is because of newer functional programming languages, such as Elixir or Elm. Although Erlang is certainly useful, it's less accessible for beginners.

Is Erlang open source?

Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang is used in several large telecommunication systems from Ericsson. Erlang is available as open source from http://www.erlang.org.

What type of language is Erlang?

Erlang (/ˈɜːrlæŋ/ UR-lang) is a general-purpose, concurrent, functional programming language, and a garbage-collected runtime system.

What is Erlang programming language?

The Erlang programming language has immutable data, pattern matching, and functional programming. The sequential subset of the Erlang language supports eager evaluation, single assignment, and dynamic typing .

What are the strengths of Erlang?

Erlang's main strength is support for concurrency. It has a small but powerful set of primitives to create processes and communicate among them. Erlang is conceptually similar to the language occam, though it recasts the ideas of communicating sequential processes (CSP) in a functional framework and uses asynchronous message passing.

Is Erlang similar to Occam?

Erlang is conceptually similar to the occam programming language, though it recasts the ideas of CSP in a functional framework and uses asynchronous message passing. ^ "Erlang Efficiency Guide – Processes". Archived from the original on 27 February 2015.

Is Erlang similar to CSP?

^ Armstrong, Joe (September 2010). "Erlang". Communications of the ACM. 53 (9): 68–75. doi: 10.1145/1810891.1810910. Erlang is conceptually similar to the occam programming language, though it recasts the ideas of CSP in a functional framework and uses asynchronous message passing.

2 Answers

The central idea is that each process is a functional program over an input stream of messages. The result from the functional program is an output stream of messages to others. From this perspective, Erlang is a rather clean functional language; there are no destructive updates to data structures (like setcar in Lisp and most Schemes).

With few exceptions, all built-in functions such as operations on ETS tables also follow this model: apart from efficiency issues, those BIFs could actually have been implemented with pure Erlang processes and message passing.

So yes, the Erlang language is functional, but a collection of interacting Erlang processes is a different thing. Each process is an ongoing computation, and as such it has a current state, which can change in relation to the other processes. Even a database is just another process in this respect.

In my mind, this is one of the most important things about Erlang: outside the process, there could be a storm raging, but inside, things are calm, letting you focus on what that process should do - and only that.

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RichardC Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10


There's a meme that functional languages must have immutable values and be side-effect free, but I say that any language with first-class functions is a functional programming language.

It is useful and powerful to have strong controls over value mutability and side effects, but I believe these are peripheral to functional programming. Nice to have, but not essential. Even in languages that do have these properties, there is always a way to escape the purity of the paradigm.1

There is a grayscale continuum between truly pure FP languages that you can't actually use for anything practical and languages that are really quite impure but still have some of the FP nature to them:

  • Book FP: Introductory books on FP languages frequently show only a subset of the language, with all examples done within the language's REPL, so that you never get to see the purely functional paradigm get broken. A good example of this is Scheme as presented in The Little Schemer.

    You can come away from reading such a book with the false impression that FP languages can't actually do anything useful.

  • Haskell: The creators of Haskell went to uncommon lengths to wall off impurity via the famous I/O monad. Everything on one side of the wall is purely functional, so that the compiler can reason confidently about the code.

    But the important thing is, despite the existence of this wall, you have to use the I/O monad to get anything useful done in Haskell.2 In that sense, Haskell isn't as "pure" as some would like you to believe. The I/O monad allows you to build any sort of "impure" software you like in Haskell: database clients, highly stateful GUIs, etc.

  • Erlang: Has immutable values and first-class functions, but lacks a strong wall between the core language and the impure bits.

    Erlang ships with Mnesia, a disk-backed in-memory DBMS, which is about as impure as software gets. It's scarcely different in practice from a global variable store. Erlang also has great support for communicating with external programs via ports, sockets, etc.

    Erlang doesn't impose any kind of purity policy on you, the programmer, at the language level. It just gives you the tools and lets you decide how to use them.

  • OCaml and F#: These closely-related multiparadigm languages include both purely functional elements as well as imperative and object-oriented characteristics.

    The imperative programming bits allow you to do things like write a traditional for loop with a mutable counter variable, whereas a pure FP program would probably try to recurse over a list instead to accomplish the same result.

    The OO parts are pretty much useless without the mutable keyword, which turns a value definition into a variable, so that the compiler won't complain if you change the variable's value. Mutable variables in OCaml and F# have some limitations, but you can escape even those limitations with the ref keyword.

    If you're using F# with .NET, you're going to be mutating values all the time, because most of .NET is mutable, in one way or another. Any .NET object with a settable property is mutable, for example, and all the GUI stuff inherently has side-effects. The only immutable part of .NET that immediately comes to mind is System.String.

    Despite all this, no one would argue that OCaml and F# are not functional programming languages.

  • JavaScript, R, Lua, Perl...: There are many languages even less pure than OCaml which can still be considered functional in some sense. Such languages have first-class functions, but values are mutable by default.


  1. Any truly pure FP language is a toy language or someone's research project.

  2. That is, unless your idea of "useful" is to keep everything in the ghci REPL. You can use Haskell like a glorified calculator, if you like, so it's pure FP.

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Warren Young Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10

Warren Young