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Is div function useful (stdlib.h)? [duplicate]

There is a function called div in C,C++ (stdlib.h)

div_t div(int numer, int denom);

typedef struct _div_t
  int quot;
  int rem;
} div_t;

But C,C++ have / and % operators.

My question is: "When there are / and % operators, Is div function useful?"

like image 707
Amir Saniyan Avatar asked Jul 16 '11 15:07

Amir Saniyan

People also ask

What is the purpose of the div function?

Use the DIV function to calculate the value of the quotient after dividend is divided by divisor. The dividend and divisor expressions can evaluate to any numeric value. The only exception is that divisor cannot be 0. If either dividend or divisor evaluates to the null value, null is returned.

What is Div in C?

div is a function in C programming language that takes two integers as parameters and returns the result of a division between them. It is specified in ANSI-C, and is included from the stdlib. h header when used.

2 Answers

Yes, it is: it calculates the quotient and remainder in one operation.

Aside from that, the same behaviour can be achieved with /+% (and a decent optimizer will optimize them into a single div anyway).

In order to sum it up: if you care about squeezing out last bits of performance, this may be your function of choice, especially if the optimizer on your platform is not so advanced. This is often the case for embedded platforms. Otherwise, use whatever way you find more readable.

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Vlad Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09


The div() function returns a structure which contains the quotient and remainder of the division of the first parameter (the numerator) by the second (the denominator). There are four variants:

  1. div_t div(int, int)
  2. ldiv_t ldiv(long, long)
  3. lldiv_t lldiv(long long, long long)
  4. imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t, intmax_t (intmax_t represents the biggest integer type available on the system)

The div_t structure looks like this:

typedef struct
    int quot;           /* Quotient.  */
    int rem;            /* Remainder.  */
  } div_t;

The implementation does simply use the / and % operators, so it's not exactly a very complicated or necessary function, but it is part of the C standard (as defined by [ISO 9899:201x][1]).

See the implementation in GNU libc:

/* Return the `div_t' representation of NUMER over DENOM.  */
div (numer, denom)
     int numer, denom;
  div_t result;

  result.quot = numer / denom;
  result.rem = numer % denom;

  /* The ANSI standard says that |QUOT| <= |NUMER / DENOM|, where
     NUMER / DENOM is to be computed in infinite precision.  In
     other words, we should always truncate the quotient towards
     zero, never -infinity.  Machine division and remainer may
     work either way when one or both of NUMER or DENOM is
     negative.  If only one is negative and QUOT has been
     truncated towards -infinity, REM will have the same sign as
     DENOM and the opposite sign of NUMER; if both are negative
     and QUOT has been truncated towards -infinity, REM will be
     positive (will have the opposite sign of NUMER).  These are
     considered `wrong'.  If both are NUM and DENOM are positive,
     RESULT will always be positive.  This all boils down to: if
     NUMER >= 0, but REM < 0, we got the wrong answer.  In that
     case, to get the right answer, add 1 to QUOT and subtract
     DENOM from REM.  */

  if (numer >= 0 && result.rem < 0)
      result.rem -= denom;

  return result;
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psYchotic Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
