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Is default constructor elision / assignment elision possible in principle?




. or even allowed by the C++11 standard?

And if so, is there any compiler that actually does it?

Here is an example of what I mean:

template<class T> //T is a builtin type
class data 
    data() noexcept :

    data(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, const T& d) noexcept :

    data(const data&) noexcept = default;

    data& operator = (const data&) noexcept = default;

    constexpr const T&
    operator[] (std::size_t i) const noexcept {
        return x_[i];

    operator[] (std::size_t i) noexcept {
        return x_[i];

    T x_[4];

template<class Ostream, class T>
Ostream& operator << (Ostream& os, const data<T>& d)
    return (os << d[0] <<' '<< d[1] <<' '<< d[2] <<' '<< d[3]);

template<class T>
inline constexpr
get_data(const T& x, const T& y)
    return data<T>{x + y, x * y, x*x, y*y};

int main()
    double x, y;
    std::cin >> x >> y;

    auto d = data<double>{x, y, 2*x, 2*y};

    std::cout << d << std::endl;

    d = get_data(x,y);  

    d[0] += d[2];
    d[1] += d[3];
    d[2] *= d[3];

    std::cout << d << std::endl;

    return 0;

Regarding the marked line:
Could the values x+y, x*y, x*x, y*y be written directly to the memory of d? Or could the return type of get_data be directly constructed in the memory of d?
I can't think of a reason to not allow such an optimization. At least not for a class that has only constexpr constructors and default copy and assignment operators.

g++ 4.7.2 elides all copy constructors in this example; it seems however that assignment is always performed (even for default assignment only - as far as I can tell from the assembly that g++ emits).

The motivation for my question is the following situation in which such an optimization would greatly simplify and improve library design. Suppose you write performance-critical library routines using a literal class. Objects of that class will hold enough data (say 20 doubles) that copies have to be kept to a minimum.

class Literal{ constexpr Literal(...): {...} {} ...};

//nice: allows RVO and is guaranteed to not have any side effects
constexpr Literal get_random_literal(RandomEngine&) {return Literal{....}; }

//not favorable in my opinion: possible non-obvious side-effects, code duplication
//would be superfluous if said optimization were performed
void set_literal_random(RandomEngine&, Literal&) {...}

It would make for a much cleaner (functional programming style) design if I could do without the second function. But sometimes I just need to modify a long-lived Literal object and have to make sure that I don't create a new one and copy-assign it to the one I want to modify. The modification itself is cheap, the copies aren't - that's what my experiments indicate.

Let's suppose the optimization shall only be allowed for a class with noexcept constexpr constructors and noexcept default operator=.

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André Müller Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 09:09

André Müller

People also ask

Under what conditions copy elision is performed?

C++17 requires copy elision when a function returns a temporary object+ (unnamed object), but does not require it+ when a function returns a named object. Also, whether copy elision is helpful depends on how the function's return value is consumed.

Is copy elision guaranteed?

In C++20, the only copy allowed in the example is the one at line 3 (actually, x is implicitly moved from). Copy elision (NRVO) is allowed there and is routinely performed by most compilers, but is still non-guaranteed, and the widget class cannot be non-copyable non-movable.

What is copy elision in Javascript?

Copy elision is an optimization implemented by most compilers to prevent extra (potentially expensive) copies in certain situations. It makes returning by value or pass-by-value feasible in practice (restrictions apply).

What does FNO elide constructors do?

If “-fno-elide-constructors” option is used, first default constructor is called to create a temporary object, then copy constructor is called to copy the temporary object to ob.

2 Answers

Elision of default copy/move assignment operators is allowed based on the general as-if rule only. That is the compiler can do it if it can ascertain that it will have no observable effect on behaviour.

In practice the as-if rule is used in general fashion to allow optimizations at intermediate representation and assembly levels. If the compiler can inline the default constructor and assignment, it can optimize them. It won't ever use the code of the copy constructor for it, but for their default implementations it should end up with the same code.

Edit: I answered before there was the code sample. Copy/move constructors are elided based on explicit permission to the compiler to do so, therefore they are elided even if they have observable effect (printing "COPY"). Assignments can only be elided based on as-if rule, but they have observable effect (printing "ASSIGN"), so the compiler is not allowed to touch them.

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Jan Hudec Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Jan Hudec

Does the standard allow for the elision of the assignment operator? Not in the same way as for construction. If you have any construct d = ..., the assignment operator will be called. If ... results in an expression of the same type as d, then the appropriate copy or move assignment operator will be called.

It is theoretically possible that a trivial copy/move assignment operator could be elided. But implementations are not allowed to elide anything that you could detect being elided.

Note that this is different from actual copy/move elision, because there the standard explicitly allows the elision of any constructor, whether trivial or not. You can return a std::vector by value into a new variable, and the copy will be elided if the compiler supports it. Even though it is very easy to detect the elision. The standard gives special permission to compilers to do this.

No such permission is granted for copy/move assignment. So it could only ever "elide" something that you couldn't tell the difference about. And that's not really "elision"; that's just a compiler optimization.

Objects of that class will hold enough data (say 20 doubles) that copies have to be kept to a minimum.

There's nothing stopping you from returning that Literal type right now. You will get elision if you store the object in a new variable. And if you copy assign it to an existing variable, you won't. But that's no different from a function which returns a float that you store into an existing variable: you get a copy of the float.

So it's really up to you how much copying you want to do.

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Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

Nicol Bolas