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Is D powerful enough for these features?

For the longest time I wanted to design a programming language that married extensibility with efficiency (and safety, ease-of-use, etc.) I recently rediscovered D and I am wondering if D 2.0 is pretty much the language I wanted to make myself. What I love most is the potential of metaprogramming; in theory, could D's traits system enable the following features at compile time?

  1. Run-time reflection: Are the compile-time reflection features sufficient to build a run-time reflection system a la Java/.NET?

  2. Code conversion: Using a metaprogram, create C#/C++/etc. versions of your D program every time you compile it (bonus point if doc comments can be propagated).

  3. Traits. I don't mean the metaprogramming traits built into D, I mean object-oriented traits for class composition. A D program would indicate a set of traits to compose, and a metaprogram would compose them.

  4. Unit inference engine: Given some notation for optionally indicating units, e.g. unit(value), could a D metaprogram examine the following code, infer the correct units, and issue an error message on the last line? (I wrote such a thing for boo so I can assure you this is possible in general, program-wide):

    auto mass = kg(2.0);
    auto accel = 1.0;                      // units are strictly optional
    auto force = mass*accel;
    accel += metresPerSecondSquared(9.81); // units of 'force' and 'accel' are now known
    force += pounds(3.0);                  // unit mismatch detected
like image 420
Qwertie Avatar asked Jun 09 '12 16:06


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1 Answers

Run-time reflection: Are the compile-time reflection features sufficient to build a run-time reflection system a la Java/.NET?

Yes. You can get all the information you need at compile time using __traits and produce the runtime data structures you need for runtime reflection.

Code conversion: Using a metaprogram, create C#/C++/etc. versions of your D program every time you compile it (bonus point if doc comments can be propagated).

No, it simply isn't possible no matter how powerful D is. Some features simply do not transfer over. For example, D has an inline assembler, which is 100% impossible to convert to C#. No language can losslessly convert to all other languages.

Traits. I don't mean the metaprogramming traits built into D, I mean object-oriented traits for class composition. A D program would indicate a set of traits to compose, and a metaprogram would compose them.

You can use template mixins for this, although they don't provide method exclusion.

Unit inference engine: Given some notation for optionally indicating units, e.g. unit(value), could a D metaprogram examine the following code, infer the correct units, and issue an error message on the last line? (I wrote such a thing for boo so I can assure you this is possible in general, program-wide):

Yes, this is straightforward in D. There's at least one implementation already.

like image 72
Peter Alexander Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10

Peter Alexander