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Is cross-origin postMessage broken in IE10?

I'm trying to make a trivial postMessage example work...

  • in IE10
  • between windows/tabs (vs. iframes)
  • across origins

Remove any one of these conditions, and things work fine :-)

But as far as I can tell, between-window postMessage only appears to work in IE10 when both windows share an origin. (Well, in fact -- and weirdly -- the behavior is slightly more permissive than that: two different origins that share a host seem to work, too).

Is this a documented bug? Any workarounds or other advice?

(Note: This question touches on the issues, but its answer is about IE8 and IE9 -- not 10)

More details + example...

launcher page demo

<!DOCTYPE html> <html>   <script>     window.addEventListener("message", function(e){       console.log("Received message: ", e);     }, false);   </script>   <button onclick="window.open('http://jsbin.com/ameguj/1');">     Open new window   </button> </html> 

launched page demo

<!DOCTYPE html> <html>   <script>     window.opener.postMessage("Ahoy!", "*");   </script> </html> 

This works at: http://jsbin.com/ahuzir/1 -- because both pages are hosted at the same origin (jsbin.com). But move the second page anywhere else, and it fails in IE10.

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Bosh Avatar asked Apr 26 '13 00:04


1 Answers

I was mistaken when I originally posted this answer: it doesn't actually work in IE10. Apparently people have found this useful for other reasons so I'm leaving it up for posterity. Original answer below:

Worth noting: the link in that answer you linked to states that postMessage isn't cross origin for separate windows in IE8 and IE9 -- however, it was also written in 2009, before IE10 came around. So I wouldn't take that as an indication that it's fixed in IE10.

As for postMessage itself, http://caniuse.com/#feat=x-doc-messaging notably indicates that it's still broken in IE10, which seems to match up with your demo. The caniuse page links to this article, which contains a very relevant quote:

Internet Explorer 8+ partially supports cross-document messaging: it currently works with iframes, but not new windows. Internet Explorer 10, however, will support MessageChannel. Firefox currently supports cross-document messaging, but not MessageChannel.

So your best bet is probably to have a MessageChannel based codepath, and fallback to postMessage if that doesn't exist. It won't get you IE8/IE9 support, but at least it'll work with IE10.

Docs on MessageChannel: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh441303.aspx

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ShZ Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09