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Is cocoapods.org not working?



I am trying to get a pod for firebase,but whatever name I type in the search box returns nothing. Is the website not working or? Thanks

enter image description here

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bibscy Avatar asked Apr 02 '17 07:04


1 Answers

This seems to be a problem that many developers face time to time including myself, but no clear answer is ever given by cocoapods though some issues are opened in their github page. One of the issue opened by x1024 mentions that it could be a failed API call in cocoapods side Opening the site via http://geopeeker.com it sometimes works properly. Opening it via a tunnelling solution like TunnelBear also works. It could be a CDN issue where the appropriate headers are stripped.

Please check issue page of cocoapods in github to see if any issue there matches yours. Usually this happens to me once in a while and trying the site after some time it works, waiting has always been helpful for me so far. If you have prolonged problem open an issue in their github page. Hope this helps someone.

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Nutan Niraula Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 13:01

Nutan Niraula