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Is checking the return value of printf important?


In one of my University Projects, I got points off and feedback from my professor saying I didn't handle printf errors.

In English --> / * ### FB: Error handling printf () is missing * /    

/* ### FB: Fehlerbehandlung printf() fehlt */     printf("%7lu %8lld %10s %3lu %-8s %-8s %8lu %12s  %s %s %s\n",            sb->st_ino, nblks, permstr, (unsigned long) sb->st_nlink,            username, groupname, sb->st_size,            ntime, filename, (symlink ? "->" : ""),            (symlink ? symlink : "")            ); 

My question is, is it really important to always check return value of the printf function and handle the errors? Even if I find an error I will still use fprintf to print to stderr, for which I have to check the return type for fprintf again.

So when should the return value be checked, and how should it be handled?

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Seek Addo Avatar asked Mar 21 '17 14:03

Seek Addo

People also ask

Does printf have a return value?

The fprintf() , printf() , and sprintf() functions return the number of characters output, or a negative value if an output error occurs. The ending null character is not counted.

Why does printf return a value?

1) Return type and value of printf function h, it is used to display messages as well as values on the standard output device (monitor). printf returns an integer value, which is the total number of printed characters. For example: if you are printing "Hello" using printf, printf will return 5.

What value is returned by printf () and scanf () functions?

printf() - printf() returns the number of characters successfully written on the output. It is used to simply print data in the output. scanf() - It returns the number of data items that have been entered successfully.

What is the value of printf?

printf() returns total no. of character printed on console, you pass 1000; so first inner printf() function will work and print 1000,and here no. of character is 4.

1 Answers

Generally speaking, you should always check the return value of a function for errors.

In the case of printf however, there is little use in doing so in most cases. As you mentioned, if it does fail you could use fprintf to print to stderr, but then that raises the question of should that be checked for error.

If you don't redirect or reopen stderr you'll likely have the same issue, in which case it probably doesn't matter, but if stderr is pointing someplace else then writing there could have value. You could also exit the process but you need to determine if it makes sense to do so.

One notable time you might want to check the return value is if you want to keep track of how many characters you printed for formatting purposes. I've done this with fprintf when writing to a log file to determine when to roll the log, but since printf generally writes to an interactive console (and if it's not due to redirection, you wouldn't know it), that wouldn't really apply.

As for your professor, my only guess is that he wants you to get into the habit of checking for errors. That is a Good Thing, however like most rules there are exceptions, and this is one of them.

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dbush Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
