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Is C NULL equal to C++11 nullptr

I like to use nullptr instead of NULL. Now I call a C function (from libjansson in this case).

NULL in C is implementation defined.

For nullptr I found that "A null pointer constant is an integral constant expression (5.19) rvalue of integer type that evaluates to zero".

So the safest thing to do:

auto string_obj=json_object_get(m_handle,name);
    auto string=json_string_value(string_obj);
        {return string;}
return nullptr;

Do I really need that or can I do it simpler:

auto string_obj=json_object_get(m_handle,name);
    return json_string_value(string_obj); //Assume there is no difference between C NULL and C++11 nullptr
return nullptr;
like image 385
user877329 Avatar asked Apr 07 '16 18:04


People also ask

Is NULL and nullptr same?

nullptr is a keyword that can be used at all places where NULL is expected. Like NULL, nullptr is implicitly convertible and comparable to any pointer type. Unlike NULL, it is not implicitly convertible or comparable to integral types.

Is NULL and nullptr same in C++?

Nullptr vs NULLNULL is 0 (zero) i.e. integer constant zero with C-style typecast to void* , while nullptr is prvalue of type nullptr_t , which is an integer literal that evaluates to zero.

What is nullptr equal to?

The nullptr keyword represents a null pointer value. Use a null pointer value to indicate that an object handle, interior pointer, or native pointer type does not point to an object.

What is nullptr in C ++ 11?

The C++11 standard introduced a new keyword, nullptr as a null pointer constant. The nullptr constant can be distinguished from integer 0 for overloaded functions.

1 Answers

In C++11 and beyond, a pointer that is ==NULL will also ==nullptr and vice versa.

Uses of NULL other than comparing with a pointer (like using it to represent the nul byte at the end of a string) won't work with nullptr.

In some cases, NULL is #define NULL 0, as the integer constant 0 is special-cased in C and C++ when you compare it with pointers. This non-type type information causes some problems in both C and C++, so in C++ they decided to create a special type and value that does the same thing in the "proper" use cases, and reliably fails to compile in most of the "improper" use cases.

Insofar as your C++ implementation is compatible with the C implementation you are interoping with (very rare for this not to be true), everything should work.

To be very clear, if ptr is any kind of pointer, then the following expressions are equivalent in C++:

ptr == nullptr ptr == NULL ptr == 0 !ptr 

As are the following:

ptr = nullptr ptr = NULL ptr = 0 

and if X is some type, so are the following statements:

X* ptr = nullptr; X* ptr = NULL; X* ptr = 0; 

nullptr differs when you pass it to a template function that deduces type (NULL or 0 become an int unless passed to an argument expecting a pointer, while nullptr remains a nullptr_t), and when used in some contexts where nullptr won't compile (like char c = NULL;) (note, not char* c=NULL;)

Finally, literally:

NULL == nullptr 

is true.

The NULL constant gets promoted to a pointer type, and as a pointer it is a null pointer, which then compares equal to nullptr.

Despite all this, it isn't always true that:




do the same thing.

void bar(int) { std::cout << "int\n"; } void bar(void*) { std::cout << "void*\n"; } template<class T> void foo(T t) { bar(t); } foo(NULL); foo(nullptr); 

this prints int for NULL and void* for nullptr.

like image 183
Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont