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Is block style really this important? [duplicate]



I just watched a video of Douglas Crockford's presentation about his 2009 book JavaScript: The Good Parts.

In the video, he explains that the following block is dangerous because it produces silent errors:

    ok: false

And that it should actually be written like this (emphasising that although seemingly identical the behavioural difference is crucial):

return {
    ok: false

You can see his comments around 32 minutes into the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQVTIJBZook&feature=player_embedded#!&start=1920

I have not heard this before, and was wondering if this rule still applies or if this requirement in syntax has been overcome by JavaScript developments since this statement was made.

I found this very interesting as I have NOT been writing my code this way, and wanted to check that this information was not out of date.

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Jack Roscoe Avatar asked Jun 09 '10 09:06

Jack Roscoe

People also ask

Is Block Style justified?

Block Format Formatting rule for the block style is that the letter is left-justified. For example, the address and date is on the left; drop down two lines for the salutation. Drop down two lines and begin the body on the left-hand side of the paper. Start the body at the left side and do not indent.

Why is block formatting important?

Letters written in block style have every line aligned at the left margin. This makes them easy to read and quickly. The standard block letter style and its variations are meant to be used as guides to help you format letters.

What is a block style letter used for?

Block format is typically used for business letters. In block format, the entire text is left aligned and single spaced. The exception to the single spacing is a double space between paragraphs (instead of indents for paragraphs).

Why is a modified block style letter important?

Why is using a modified block style letter important? Like all letters, concise, well-written content is important for getting your message across to your reader. Using a familiar letter format such as modified block style shows the recipient your professionalism.

2 Answers

The silent error is that undefined is returned!

Semicolons are optional in JavaScript, and therefore

    ok: false

is parsed as if it were

return;  // Leaves function straight away
    ok: false   

JSLint will recognize such patterns and warn about them:

lint warning: unexpected end of line; it is ambiguous whether these lines are part of the same statement

lint warning: missing semicolon

lint warning: unreachable code

lint warning: meaningless block; curly braces have no impact

This has been discussed on SO in the "Strangest language feature" question.

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Pekka Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11


The rule still applies.

Because the language automatically inserts "missing" semi-colons, the first snippet is interpreted as:


    ok: false

I.e, undefined is returned. If the code was somehow permitted to run past the return statement, an object would then be created, but would not be assigned to anything useful (a variable).

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Matt Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 21:11
