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Is assigning a function to window.onerror preferable to window.addEventListener('error', callback)?


Assigning a function to window.onerror seems like a pretty straightforward way to start handling errors in the code on a page. However, it's important to make sure you're not overwriting a pre-existing error handler, so it's usual practice to maintain a reference to the previous value and call it as part of your new function. As an example:

var old_onerror = window.onerror; window.onerror = function() {     // do something     if (old_onerror) {         old_onerror();     } }; 

Most documentation/blog posts/etc I can find online recommends doing something like this. Why don't they recommend adding an event handler for the 'error' event instead? That allows multiple functions to be called when one of those events is triggered, and doesn't require awkwardly maintaining references to other error handlers.

window.addEventListener('error', function() {/* do something */}); 

Edit: I considered following the standard advice on this subject, but the error event on window seems to be a fairly special case (see, for example, JQuery's explicit lack of support for it (search on that page for "onerror")). I'm specifically seeking insight on why onerror seems to be a special case.

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Alan Avatar asked Jun 21 '16 00:06


People also ask

What is the use of Onerror?

The onerror attribute fires when an error occurs while loading an external file (e.g. a document or an image).

What is window Onerror?

Introduction. onerror is a DOM event handler. It is started when an error occurs during object loading. While window. onerror is an event handler, there is no error event being fired: instead, when there is an uncaught exception or compile-time error, the window.

What are the three information provided by Onerror () method?

The Error object and error. It contains 3 standardized properties: message, fileName, and lineNumber. Redundant values that already provided to you via window. onerror .

1 Answers

For historical reasons these window.onerror is a bit of a special case. Most of these are defunct now, I think you have to back to IE8 to find a browser that needed them. A decade or so ago IE6 was king and it didn't have support for addEventListener at all, and many events were only supported by some browsers or had different names. Web development used to be wildly inconsistent and it's not unusual to find old methods like window.onerror.

For backwards compatability reasons window.onerror is a bit weird in that the two ways of subscribing to the event take different arguments.

So the legacy onerror includes error details as parameters:

window.onerror = function(message, source, line, col, error) {     ...      return true; // This will prevent further event propagation }; 

This is still there so that old JS that's already out there doesn't break - browser designers want 10 year old websites to still basically work in their latest versions.

While the (now best practice) event listener has them as properties on the event:

window.addEventListener('error', e => {      // Get the error properties from the error event object     const { message, filename, lineno, colno, error } = e;  }); 

The latter is far better, as you don't need to get any previous listeners, and no subsequent listeners (say from browser extensions) will accidentally break yours. Also you can remove your listener if you're building something like an SPA where you stay on one page with one window context.

So, to answer the question:

Most documentation/blog posts/etc I can find online recommends doing something like this. Why don't they recommend adding an event handler for the 'error' event instead?

Because they're outdated. Keeping documentation up to date is hard and JS moves fast. The window.onerror pattern you describe is still an acceptable compromise in some corporate environments where extremely outdated versions of IE need to be supported. For the vast majority of the web the addEventListener method is much better.

see, for example, JQuery's explicit lack of support for it (search on that page for "onerror"

jQuery is old. There are some decisions that were made in 2006-2008 or so that it's now stuck with forever, and some assumptions that .on makes about events is one of those. jQuery's .on was great in 2006 because we didn't have to worry about different browsers' event implementations - it could hide all of them behind a common interface. Everything now uses addEventListener so you don't need it (and it's a lot more powerful than .on).

like image 176
Keith Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11
