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Is array all NULLs in PostgreSQL

Is there an expression that returns TRUE if all the elements of a PostgreSQL array are NULL?

If it was a value other than NULL, I could of course use something like:

SELECT 4 = ALL (ARRAY[4,5]::integer[]);

However I want to do the ALL operation with an IS NULL test, rather than a = 4 test. I don't think there's an ALL syntax for this, and the semantics around NULL are compounded with arrays I've not myself been able to think of a form that achieves it. Hence my asking Stack Overflow. ;-)

I know I could write a function in pl/sql or pl/pgsql that does this, but I'd like to see if there's a direct expression before resorting to that.

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Edmund Avatar asked Jul 27 '11 23:07


People also ask

Can arrays have NULLs?

An array value can be non-empty, empty (cardinality zero), or null. The individual elements in the array can be null or not null.

Are PostgreSQL array zero based?

Postgres arrays are 1-based by default. And in typical applications it's best to stick with the default.

Should you use arrays in Postgres?

When you are considering portability (e.g. rewriting your system to work with other databses) then you must not use arrays. If you are sure you'll stick with Postgres, then you can safely use arrays where you find appropriate. They exist for a reason and are neither bad design nor non-compliant.

4 Answers

1 = ALL(arr) IS NULL AND 2 = ALL(arr) IS NULL

1 and 2 can be any two distinct numbers.

Alternatives and performance

There are many ways. I assembled a quick test case:

SELECT arr::text
     , -1 = ALL(arr) IS NULL                              AS xsimple
     , 1 = ALL(arr) IS NULL AND 2 = ALL(arr) IS NULL      AS simple
     , array_remove(arr, NULL) = '{}'                     AS array_rem
     , cardinality(array_positions(arr, NULL))
     = cardinality(arr)                                   AS array_pos
     , TRUE = ALL (SELECT unnest(arr) IS NULL)            AS michael
     , (SELECT bool_and(e IS NULL) FROM unnest(arr) e)    AS bool_and
     , NOT EXISTS (SELECT unnest(arr) EXCEPT SELECT null) AS exist
   , ('{1,1,1}')
   , ('{2,2,2}')
   , ('{NULL,NULL,NULL}')
   , ('{}'::int[])
   ) t(arr);

       arr        | xsimple | simple | array_rem | array_pos | michael | bool_and | exist 
 {1,2,NULL,3}     | f       | f      | f         | f         | f       | f        | f
 {1,1,1}          | f       | f      | f         | f         | f       | f        | f
 {2,2,2}          | f       | f      | f         | f         | f       | f        | f
 {NULL,NULL,NULL} | t       | t      | t         | t         | t       | t        | t
 {}               | f       | f      | t         | t         | t       |          | t

array_remove() requires Postgres 9.3 or later.
array_positions() requires Postgres 9.5 or later.

chk_michael is from the currently accepted answer by @michael.
The columns are in order of performance of the expression. Fastest first.
My simple checks dominate performance, with array_remove() next. The rest cannot keep up.

The special case empty array ({}) requires attention. Define the expected result and either pick a fitting expression or add an additional check.

db<>fiddle here - with performance test
Old sqlfiddle

How does it work?

The expression 1 = ALL(arr) yields:

TRUE .. if all elements are 1
FALSE .. if any element is <> 1 (any element that IS NOT NULL)
NULL .. if at least one element IS NULL and no element is <> 1

So, if we know a single element that cannot show up (enforced by a CHECK constraint), like -1, we can simplify to:

-1 = ALL(arr) IS NULL

If any number can show up, check for two distinct numbers. The result can only be NULL for both if the array contains nothing but NULL. Voilá.

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Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Erwin Brandstetter

Another approach to make the code shorter, use EVERY aggregate function

create table x
y serial,
z int[]

insert into x(z) values(array[null,null,null]::int[])
insert into x(z) values(array[null,7,null]::int[])
insert into x(z) values(array[null,3,4]::int[])
insert into x(z) values(array[null,null,null,null]::int[])

with a as
    select y, unnest(z) as b
    from x
select y, every(b is null)
from a 
group by y
order by y


 y | every
 1 | t
 2 | f
 3 | f
 4 | t
(4 rows)

Another approach, generating NULLs to be used for comparison:

select  y, 
    z = 
    (select array_agg(null::int) 
     from generate_series(1, array_upper(z, 1) )) as IsAllNulls
from    x

Underlying logic of the code above, this returns true:


Another approach, use array_fill

select  y, z = array_fill(null::int, array[ array_upper(z, 1) ] )
from    x

Caveat, array construct and array_fill are not symmetrical though, test these:

select array[5]

-- array[5] here has different meaning from array[5] above
select array_fill(null::int, array[5]) 
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Michael Buen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

Michael Buen

I'm not exactly proud of this but:

=> select not exists (
    select 1
    from (select all unnest(ARRAY[NULL, NULL, NULL]) is null as x) as dt
    where x = 'f'
(1 row)

=> select not exists (
    select 1
    from (select all unnest(ARRAY[NULL, 11, NULL]) is null as x) as dt
    where x = 'f'
(1 row)

Yes, there are subqueries galore but maybe you can make it work or simplify it into something that will work.

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mu is too short Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

mu is too short

Just for the sake of variety of options, what I've used before for this is:

select array_remove(ARRAY[null::int, null, null], null) = '{}'

This method will also return true for no values at all in the array, which is useful when preferring to store a null value instead an empty or all nulls array, eg in an on update trigger:

NEW.arrvalue := CASE WHEN array_remove(NEW.arrvalue, null) <> '{}' THEN NEW.arrvalue END;
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Ezequiel Tolnay Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Ezequiel Tolnay