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Is Applet jar downloaded by browser or by JVM?

Assume I have below simple applet. I wonder if the http request to get the jar is made by the browser or by jvm. If it is made by jvm, are browser's cookies and sessions sent to server?

  WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="90"
  ARCHIVE = "FieldTestF.jar"
This example uses an applet.
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Loc Phan Avatar asked Jun 25 '11 04:06

Loc Phan

People also ask

Can a Java applet be executed from a Web browser?

A Java applet can be executed from a Web browser. The class name must be the same as the file name that contains the class. A file may contain several classes. Each class in the file is compiled into a separate bytecode file.

Where are Java applets executed?

A Java applet runs in the context of a browser. The Java Plug-in software in the browser controls the launch and execution of Java applets. The browser also has a JavaScript interpreter, which runs the JavaScript code on a web page.

1 Answers

The applet JAR is downloaded by the JVM. All applets are associated with an instance of a URLClassloader (or a subclass - the sun.applet.AppletClassLoader in Sun JVMs) that is responsible for loading of all classes and resources required by an applet.

Apparently, most of the infrastructure required for loading of class files and resources is available in the Java runtime, and re-using the same would allow the Java plug-in to not worry about accessing browser internals for the most part.

I'll reproduce the salient parts of the OpenJDK codebase here, that performs this activity. You'll find the interesting stuff in the runLoader() method of sun.applet.AppletPanel:

 * Load the applet into memory.
 * Runs in a seperate (and interruptible) thread from the rest of the
 * applet event processing so that it can be gracefully interrupted from
 * things like HotJava.
private void runLoader() {
    if (status != APPLET_DISPOSE) {

    dispatchAppletEvent(APPLET_LOADING, null);

    // REMIND -- might be cool to visually indicate loading here --
    // maybe do animation?
    status = APPLET_LOAD;

    // Create a class loader
    loader = getClassLoader(getCodeBase(), getClassLoaderCacheKey());

    // Load the archives if present.
    // REMIND - this probably should be done in a separate thread,
    // or at least the additional archives (epll).

    String code = getCode();

    // setup applet AppContext
    // this must be called before loadJarFiles

    try {
        loadJarFiles(loader); // <-- this is what loads the JAR files
        applet = createApplet(loader);

Also, getting the browser to fetch the resources would complicate matters for the Java security model. This is in part, due to the fact that applets use their own AccessControlContext that has been setup for them. This context has a default set of permissions that are added to it when the applet is being initialized; the set includes the SocketPermission to connect to the server hosting the codebase, or the FilePermission allowing read access to the filesystem containing the codebase. If resource loading were to be done by the browser, then depending on how the plug-in is implemented the checks might simply not be performed leading to a possible break-down of the security model.

You can confirm the resource loading behavior of the JVM by looking at the network traffic, as indicated in the other answer. I'll post the screenshot from Fiddler as confirmation. The process column indicates which OS process is responsible for sending out the request (in this case it happens to be the Java application launcher java.exe). Apologies for the apparent poor quality of the image - you'll need to resize the image or open it in a new window.

Fiddler capture of Applet download

like image 115
Vineet Reynolds Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10

Vineet Reynolds