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Is Apple in-app-purchase transaction_id globally unique?

Are Apple in-app-purchase transaction_ids unique only for a given app or product, or are they in fact globally unique?

Example: If a transaction_id (eg 1000000019169002) exists for an application A, is it possible for that transaction_id to again be returned for a different transaction against a second application B?

like image 665
iMom0 Avatar asked Dec 30 '11 09:12


People also ask

Can in-app purchases be tracked?

How to track Android in-app purchases automatically from Google Play. For Android apps that use in-app billing, you can automatically track when someone who clicked your ad makes an in-app purchase. You don't need to add code to your app. The value of the purchase will automatically be reported as the conversion value.

What is transaction ID Apple?

The unique identifier for a transaction such as an in-app purchase, restored in-app purchase, or subscription renewal.

How can I set country specific pricing for in-app purchase products?

Open Play Console and go to the App pricing page (Products > App pricing). Click Set price. Review the table in the "Local prices" section. In the "Price" column, review the local prices for each country.

How does Apple handle in-app purchases?

Offer extra content and features — including digital goods, subscriptions, and premium content — directly within your app through in‑app purchases on all Apple platforms. You can even promote and offer in-app purchases directly on the App Store.

1 Answers

In the purchase info you will get both prodcut_id and transaction_id, so if you verify both together it will be guaranteed unique. It´s not possible to find any information about the transaction_id uniqeness alone.

You can also see the In-App Purchase Programming Guide for more information.

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Espen Burud Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Espen Burud