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Is anyone experiencing layout issues after upgrading to Chrome 72?

After a few of my customers upgraded to Chrome v72 they've noticed a few layout issues that were not present in <= v71. From what I've found it mostly occurs when having an element with overflow: auto or overflow: scroll within a parent element that is using flexbox to position its children.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Note this is only occurring in v72, I've tested < 72 and other webkit browsers and can't reproduce it.

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kwahyaj Avatar asked Jan 30 '19 18:01


1 Answers

Looks like Chrome renders flex boxes with overflows differently since v72. At least parts of those changes were intentional to make Chrome more compliant to the spec and other browsers.

See this issue for details: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=927066


We've heard you loud and clear and have decided to revert the change in Chrome 72 to avoid breaking existing sites and to allow developers a bit more time to update their pages.

The change will instead ship with Chrome 73. As such it's still important to make the required changes to avoid breaking it in future versions of Chrome and to ensure compatibility with Firefox.

2019-02-05 22:44:28 UTC

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a.xin Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 11:11
