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Is an input field valid while is empty?




I've been experimenting with css pseudo classes and pseudo elements and I discover something that I have not been able to get around.

Consider the following html input field:

<input type="number" value="1" min="1" max="1000" step="1" pattern="\d" /><span></span>

In order to achieve 3 states: empty, valid and invalid. I'm using the ::after pseudo element (applied to the span adjacent to the input) to add a checkmark when the value of the filed is valid, and an X when the value is invalid.

I'm using the pseudo classes :valid and :invalid and it seems that when an input field is empty (value="") its state is also valid.

The CSS in question is as follows:

.v3_forms input[value=""] + span::after {
    content: "";
.v3_forms input:valid + span::after {
    content: "\2713";
    color: limegreen;
.v3_forms input:invalid + span::after {
    content: "X";
    color: #ce0000;

For what I'm able to tell, after clearing the value in the browser, the second css rules takes precedence, even though the specificity is the same.
I tested the selectors here: specificity calculator and it seems that attributes and pseudo classes have the same weight.

like image 823
jnkrois Avatar asked Jul 11 '15 05:07


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1 Answers

An empty string is, by default, a valid value:

User agents should allow the user to set the value to the empty string *.

If you want to require a value for the field, you need to add the required attribute:

.v3_forms input[value=""] + span::after {
    content: "";
.v3_forms input:valid + span::after {
    content: "\2713";
    color: limegreen;
.v3_forms input:invalid + span::after {
    content: "X";
    color: #ce0000;
<div class="v3_forms">
<input type="number" value="1" min="1" max="1000" step="1" pattern="\d" required /><span></span>

This addresses the specific example in your question, but the same will hold true for any of the <input /> elements that accept user input.

*See the whatwg reference.

like image 143
Tieson T. Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Tieson T.