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Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

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Can you have an anchor tag without href?

Yes, it is valid to use the anchor tag without a href attribute. If the a element has no href attribute, then the element represents a placeholder for where a link might otherwise have been placed, if it had been relevant, consisting of just the element's contents.

Is href attribute mandatory?

They're not absolutely required, however you should probably put href="#/" as the href to make it semantically correct. Without an href="" attribute, the anchor is likely to be parsed as a bookmark in the page, especially if the name="" attribute is specified.

Why is the href attribute necessary in an a tag?

The <a> HTML element (or anchor element), with its href attribute, creates a hyperlink to web pages, files, email addresses, locations in the same page, or anything else a URL can address. Content within each <a> should indicate the link's destination.

What is the use of href in anchor tag?

The href attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to. If the href attribute is not present, the <a> tag will not be a hyperlink.

In HTML5, using an a element without an href attribute is valid. It is considered to be a "placeholder hyperlink."



Look for "placeholder hyperlink" on the w3c anchor tag reference page: https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-html51-20161101/textlevel-semantics.html#the-a-element.

And it is also mentioned on the wiki here: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Elements/a

A placeholder link is for cases where you want to use an anchor element, but not have it navigate anywhere. This comes in handy for marking up the current page in a navigation menu or breadcrumb trail. (The old approach would have been to either use a span tag or an anchor tag with a class named "active" or "current" to style it and JavaScript to cancel navigation.)

A placeholder link is also useful in cases where you want to dynamically set the destination of the link via JavaScript at runtime. You simply set the value of the href attribute, and the anchor tag becomes clickable.

See also:

  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/10510353/19112
  • http://www.html5in24hours.com/2012/06/8-ways-to-get-started-with-html5-today/
  • http://webdesign.about.com/od/html5tutorials/qt/html5-placeholder-links.htm

My advice is use <a href="#"></a>

If you're using JQuery remember to also use:

    // Click code here...

If you have to use href for backwards compability, you can also use

<a href="javascript:void(0)">link</a>

instead of # ,if you don't want to use the attribute

Short answer: No.

Long answer:

First, without an href attribute, it will not be a link. If it isn't a link then it wont be keyboard (or breath switch, or various other not pointer based input device) accessible (unless you use HTML 5 features of tabindex which are not universally supported). It is very rare that it is appropriate for a control to not have keyboard access.

Second. You should have an alternative for when the JavaScript does not run (because it was slow to load from the server, an Internet connection was dropped (e.g. mobile signal on a moving train), JS is turned off, etc, etc).

Make use of progressive enhancement by unobtrusive JS.

The tag is fine to use without an href attribute. Contrary to many of the answers here, there are actually standard reasons for creating an anchor when there is no href. Semantically, "a" means an anchor or a link. If you use it for anything following that meaning, then you are fine.

One standard use of the a tag without an href is to create named links. This allows you to use an anchor with name=blah and later on you can create an anchor with href=#blah to link to the named section of the current page. However, this has been deprecated because you can also use IDs in the same manner. As an example, you could use a header tag with id=header and later you could have an anchor pointing to href=#header.

My point, however, is not to suggest using the name property. Only to provide one use case where you don't need an href, and therefore reasoning why it is not required.

From an accessibility perspective <a> without a href is not tab-able, all links should be tab-able so add a tabindex='0" if you don't have a href.