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Is allowing the user to add any code in TWIG a security hole? [closed]





In my application, I want to allow the user to add his own Twig code. But, I don't want it to execute any back-end code (like PHP code to get access to database or files). I have tested using php code <?php print "hello"; ?>. I can see the PHP code does not execute on the Twig page.

To my knowledge, I can say there is no way to execute PHP code (that can manipulate files or database) in a Twig file unless calling an extension.

But, I just want to know more advises.

like image 671
user3502626 Avatar asked Jan 27 '23 22:01


1 Answers

You could take a look at the sandbox extension of twig. You can set up a policy and explicitly define each single tag, filter, method, property and function. This was an advice I got after passing my application through a security-penetration-test. You can set it up globally or inside your controller which renders the user twig-input.



 * Adds sandbox limitations to twig-environment to prevent template-injections
 * @return \Twig_Environment
private function getSandboxedTwigEnvironment()
    $tags = array('if', 'include', 'import', 'block', 'set', 'for');
    $filters = array('date', 'escape', 'trans', 'split', 'length', 'slice', 'lower', 'raw');
    $methods = array();
    $properties = array();
    $functions = array('include', 'path', 'absolute_url', 'asset', 'is_granted');

    $policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy($tags, $filters, $methods, $properties, $functions);
    $sandbox = new Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy);

    $twigEnvironment = $this->getCentralService()->getTwigEnvironment();

    return $twigEnvironment;

An exception of Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError will be thrown if any forbidden tags, filter etc were added to the user-input.

like image 80
Chris P. Bacon Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 15:01

Chris P. Bacon