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Is alias_method_chain synonymous with alias_method?


If these two methods are simply synonyms, why do people go to the trouble of writing the additional characters "_chain"?

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John Owens Avatar asked Jun 23 '09 19:06

John Owens

1 Answers

No. alias_method is a standard method from Ruby. alias_method_chain is a Rails add-on designed to simplify the common action of aliasing the old method to a new name and then aliasing a new method to the original name. So, if for example you are creating a new version of the method method with the new feature new_feature, the following two code examples are equivalent:

alias_method :method_without_new_feature, :method alias_method :method, :method_with_new_feature 


alias_method_chain :method, :new_feature 


Here is a hypothetical example: suppose we had a Person class with a method rename. All it does is take a string like "John Doe", split on the space, and assign parts to first_name and last_name. For example:

person.rename("Steve Jones") person.first_name  #=> Steve person.last_name   #=> Jones 

Now we're having a problem. We keep getting new names that aren't capitalized properly. So we can write a new method rename_with_capitalization and use alias_method_chain to resolve this:

class Person   def rename_with_capitalization(name)     rename_without_capitalization(name)     self.first_name[0,1] = self.first_name[0,1].upcase     self.last_name[0,1] = self.last_name[0,1].upcase   end    alias_method_chain :rename, :capitalization end 

Now, the old rename is called rename_without_capitalization, and rename_with_capitalization is rename. For example:

person.rename("bob smith") person.first_name  #=> Bob person.last_name   #=> Smith  person.rename_without_capitalization("tom johnson") person.first_name  #=> tom person.last_name   #=> johnson 
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Pesto Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10
