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Is a JavaScript try-catch ignoring an expected occasional error bad practice?

In JavaScript is it wrong to use a try-catch block and ignore the error rather than test many attributes in the block for null?

   if(myInfo.person.name == newInfo.person.name
      && myInfo.person.address.street == newInfo.person.address.street
      && myInfo.person.address.zip == newInfo.person.address.zip) {
} catch(e) {} // ignore missing args
like image 456
user22816 Avatar asked Sep 26 '08 19:09


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Is try catch best practice?

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1 Answers

If you expect a particular condition, your code will be easier to maintain if you explicitly test for it. I would write the above as something like

if(   myInfo && newInfo 
      && myInfo.person && newInfo.person
      && myInfo.person.address && newInfo.person.address
      && ( myInfo.person.name == newInfo.person.name
           && myInfo.person.address.street == newInfo.person.address.street
           && myInfo.person.address.zip == newInfo.person.address.zip

This makes the effect much clearer - for instance, suppose newInfo is all filled out, but parts of myInfo are missing? Perhaps you actually want setAddress() to be called in that case? If so, you'll need to change that logic!

like image 143
moonshadow Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09
