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is a great memory a requirement for great programming [closed]



Do you think having a great memory is REQUIRED to be a great programmer?

I don't consider myself a great programmer but I do think I am decent. But my memory is REALLY bad so I find myself always having to remind myself how to do things. I mean I "know where to look" but sometimes it makes me feel like I am just a crappy programmer. What makes it even worse is that I am always forgetting where things are in my source code or what algorithm I used for certain situations.

Think back on the great programmers you have encountered in your life, didn't all of them seem to have amazing memories?

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codergurl Avatar asked Feb 21 '09 08:02


People also ask

Do you need good memory to be a programmer?

Having a good memory is quite useful but certainly not required. I would say that it's not that great programmers have a great memory but rather, they have spent a lot of time investigating even the littlest issues which improved their understanding and improves recall.

How much memory does a programmer need?

To allow for a reasonable amount of multitasking, researching, fast build times, and a responsive development environment, 16 GB of memory is a good minimum requirement. For extensive multitasking, memory-hungry tools and build processes, and virtual machines, at least 32 GB of memory may be worth the investment.

2 Answers

I have this coworker that writes really bad code that is incredibly hard to maintain. I've come to the conclusion that his problem is good memory. He's simply able to remember where he put what functionality. Therefore he doesn't have to write code that is self-explanatory. He simply remembers that crap. The rest of us have a really hard time figuring out his code.

I'm sure that good memory isn't that guys only problem. But I'm sure his code would improve if his memory got worse.

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innaM Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09


Surely apocrapful, but here's Einstein's number:

A reporter interviewed Albert Einstein. At the end of the interview, the reporter asked if he could have Einstein's phone number so he could call if he had further questions.

“Certainly” replied Einstein. He picked up the phone directory and looked up his phone number, then wrote it on a slip of paper and handed it to the reporter.

Dumbfounded, the reporter said, "You are considered to be the smartest man in the world and you can't remember your own phone number?”

Einstein replied, “Why should I memorize something when I know where to find it?”

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13ren Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09
