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Is -1 a magic number? An anti-pattern? A code smell? Quotes and guidelines from authorities [duplicate]

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Constant abuse?

I've seen -1 used in various APIs, most commonly when searching into a "collection" with zero-based indices, usually to indicate the "not found" index. This "works" because -1 is never a legal index to begin with. It seems that any negative number should work, but I think -1 is almost always used, as some sort of (unwritten?) convention.

I would like to limit the scope to Java at least for now. My questions are:

  • What are the official words from Sun regarding using -1 as a "special" return value like this?
  • What quotes are there regarding this issue, from e.g. James Gosling, Josh Bloch, or even other authoritative figures outside of Java?
  • What were some of the notable discussions regarding this issue in the past?
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polygenelubricants Avatar asked Jun 13 '10 11:06


2 Answers

This is a common idiom in languages where the types do not include range checks. An "out of bounds" value is used to indicate one of several conditions. Here, the return value indicates two things: 1) was the character found, and 2) where was it found. The use of -1 for not found and a non-negative index for found succinctly encodes both of these into one value, and the fact that not-found does not need to return an index.

In a language with strict range checking, such as Ada or Pascal, the method might be implemented as (pseudo code)

   bool indexOf(c:char, position:out Positive);

Positive is a subtype of int, but restricted to non-negative values.

This separates the found/not-found flag from the position. The position is provided as an out parameter - essentialy another return value. It could also be an in-out parameter, to start the search from a given position. Use of -1 to indicate not-found would not be allowed here since it violates range checks on the Positive type.

The alternatives in java are:

  • throw an exception: this is not a good choice here, since not finding a character is not an exceptional condition.
  • split the result into several methods, e.g. boolean indexOf(char c); int lastFoundIndex();. This implies the object must hold on to state, which will not work in a concurrent program, unless the state is stored in thread-local storage, or synchronization is used - all considerable overheads.
  • return the position and found flag separately: such as boolean indexOf(char c, Position pos). Here, creating the position object may be seen as unnecessary overhead.
  • create a multi-value return type

such as

class FindIndex {
   boolean found;
   int position;

FindIndex indexOf(char c);

although it clearly separates the return values, it suffers object creation overhead. Some of that could be mitigated by passing the FindIndex as a parameter, e.g.

FindIndex indexOf(char c, FindIndex start);

Incidentally, multiple return values were going to be part of java (oak), but were axed prior to 1.0 to cut time to release. James Gosling says he wishes they had been included. It's still a wished-for feature.

My take is that use of magic values are a practical way of encoding a multi-valued results (a flag and a value) in a single return value, without requiring excessive object creation overhead.

However, if using magic values, it's much nicer to work with if they are consistent across related api calls. For example,

   // get everything after the first c
   int index = str.indexOf('c');
   String afterC = str.substring(index);

Java falls short here, since the use of -1 in the call to substring will cause an IndeOutOfBoundsException. Instead, it might have been more consistent for substring to return "" when invoked with -1, if negative values are considered to start at the end of the string. Critics of magic values for error conditions say that the return value can be ignored (or assumed to be positive). A consistent api that handles these magic values in a useful way would reduce the need to check for -1 and allow for cleaner code.

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mdma Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11


Is -1 a magic number?

In this context, not really. There is nothing special about -1 ... apart from the fact that it is guaranteed to be an invalid index value by virtue of being negative.

An anti-pattern?

No. To qualify as an anti-pattern there would need to be something harmful about this idiom. I see nothing harmful in using -1 this way.

A code smell?

Ditto. (It is arguably better style to use a named constant rather than a bare -1 literal. But I don't think that is what you are asking about, and it wouldn't count as "code smell" anyway, IMO.)

Quotes and guidelines from authorities

Not that I'm aware of. However, I would observe that this "device" is used in various standard classes. For example, String.indexOf(...) returns -1 to say that the character or substring could not be found.

As far as I am concerned, this is simply an "algorithmic device" that is useful in some cases. I'm sure that if you looked back through the literature, you will see examples of using -1 (or 0 for languages with one-based arrays) this way going back to the 1960's and before.

The choice of -1 rather than some other negative number is simply a matter of personal taste, and (IMO) not worth analyzing., in this context.

It may be a bad idea for a method to return -1 (or some other value) to indicate an error instead of throwing an exception. However, the problem here is not the value returned but the fact that the method is requiring the caller to explicitly test for errors.

The flip side is that if the "condition" represented by -1 (or whatever) is not an "error" / "exceptional condition", then returning the special value is both reasonable and proper.

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Stephen C Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Stephen C