I did exactly as the official guide told.
For me I didn't have this window pop up when I click the Run
However, when I click the Run
button it was just not working and showed a *
in the bracket.
In terminal:
ipython notebook
[I 21:25:20.940 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/yangyy/GitHub/Signal&System
[I 21:25:20.941 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 21:25:20.941 NotebookApp] The IPython Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8888/
[I 21:25:20.941 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[W 21:25:24.439 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/e905abbe-caad-458e-a50b-a48b7dbcc6ab/channels?session_id=16F0F228133A41AC84E1A2A71F1064F2 (::1): Kernel does not exist: e905abbe-caad-458e-a50b-a48b7dbcc6ab
[W 21:25:24.446 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/e905abbe-caad-458e-a50b-a48b7dbcc6ab/channels?session_id=16F0F228133A41AC84E1A2A71F1064F2 (::1) 14.19ms referer=None
[E 21:25:30.370 NotebookApp] Notebook JSON is not valid v3: Additional properties are not allowed (u'cells' was unexpected)
Failed validating u'additionalProperties' in schema:
{u'$schema': u'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
u'additionalProperties': False,
u'definitions': {u'code_cell': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Notebook code cell.',
u'properties': {u'cell_type': {u'description': u'String identifying the type of cell.',
u'enum': [u'code']},
u'collapsed': {u'description': u'Whether the cell is collapsed/expanded.',
u'type': u'boolean'},
u'input': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/source'},
u'language': {u'description': u"The cell's language (always Python)",
u'type': u'string'},
u'metadata': {u'additionalProperties': True,
u'description': u'Cell-level metadata.',
u'type': u'object'},
u'outputs': {u'description': u'Execution, display, or stream outputs.',
u'items': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/output'},
u'type': u'array'},
u'prompt_number': {u'description': u"The code cell's prompt number. Will be null if the cell has not been run.",
u'minimum': 0,
u'type': [u'integer',
u'required': [u'cell_type',
u'type': u'object'},
u'display_data': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Data displayed as a result of code cell execution.',
u'patternProperties': {u'[a-zA-Z0-9]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+\\.]+$': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string',
u'description': u'mimetype output (e.g. text/plain), represented as either an array of strings or a string.'}},
u'properties': {u'html': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'javascript': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'jpeg': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'json': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'latex': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'metadata': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/output_metadata'},
u'output_type': {u'description': u'Type of cell output.',
u'enum': [u'display_data']},
u'pdf': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'png': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'svg': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'text': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'}},
u'required': [u'output_type'],
u'type': u'object'},
u'heading_cell': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Notebook heading cell.',
u'properties': {u'cell_type': {u'description': u'String identifying the type of cell.',
u'enum': [u'heading']},
u'level': {u'description': u'Level of heading cells.',
u'minimum': 1,
u'type': u'integer'},
u'metadata': {u'additionalProperties': True,
u'description': u'Cell-level metadata.',
u'type': u'object'},
u'source': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/source'}},
u'required': [u'cell_type',
u'type': u'object'},
u'markdown_cell': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Notebook markdown cell.',
u'properties': {u'cell_type': {u'description': u'String identifying the type of cell.',
u'enum': [u'markdown',
u'metadata': {u'additionalProperties': True,
u'description': u'Cell-level metadata.',
u'properties': {u'name': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/metadata_name'},
u'tags': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/metadata_tags'}},
u'type': u'object'},
u'source': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/source'}},
u'required': [u'cell_type',
u'type': u'object'},
u'misc': {u'metadata_name': {u'description': u"The cell's name. If present, must be a non-empty string.",
u'pattern': u'^.+$',
u'type': u'string'},
u'metadata_tags': {u'description': u"The cell's tags. Tags must be unique, and must not contain commas.",
u'items': {u'pattern': u'^[^,]+$',
u'type': u'string'},
u'type': u'array',
u'uniqueItems': True},
u'mimetype': {u'patternProperties': {u'^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string',
u'description': u"The cell's mimetype output (e.g. text/plain), represented as either an array of strings or a string."}}},
u'multiline_string': {u'oneOf': [{u'type': u'string'},
{u'items': {u'type': u'string'},
u'type': u'array'}]},
u'output_metadata': {u'additionalProperties': True,
u'description': u'Cell output metadata.',
u'type': u'object'},
u'prompt_number': {u'description': u"The code cell's prompt number. Will be null if the cell has not been run.",
u'minimum': 0,
u'type': [u'integer',
u'source': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string',
u'description': u'Contents of the cell, represented as an array of lines.'}},
u'output': {u'oneOf': [{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/pyout'},
{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/display_data'},
{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/stream'},
{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/pyerr'}],
u'type': u'object'},
u'pyerr': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Output of an error that occurred during code cell execution.',
u'properties': {u'ename': {u'description': u'The name of the error.',
u'type': u'string'},
u'evalue': {u'description': u'The value, or message, of the error.',
u'type': u'string'},
u'output_type': {u'description': u'Type of cell output.',
u'enum': [u'pyerr']},
u'traceback': {u'description': u"The error's traceback, represented as an array of strings.",
u'items': {u'type': u'string'},
u'type': u'array'}},
u'required': [u'output_type',
u'type': u'object'},
u'pyout': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Result of executing a code cell.',
u'patternProperties': {u'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+\\.]+$': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string',
u'description': u'mimetype output (e.g. text/plain), represented as either an array of strings or a string.'}},
u'properties': {u'html': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'javascript': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'jpeg': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'json': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'latex': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'metadata': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/output_metadata'},
u'output_type': {u'description': u'Type of cell output.',
u'enum': [u'pyout']},
u'pdf': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'png': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'prompt_number': {u'description': u"A result's prompt number.",
u'minimum': 0,
u'type': [u'integer']},
u'svg': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'},
u'text': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string'}},
u'required': [u'output_type',
u'type': u'object'},
u'raw_cell': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Notebook raw nbconvert cell.',
u'properties': {u'cell_type': {u'description': u'String identifying the type of cell.',
u'enum': [u'raw']},
u'metadata': {u'additionalProperties': True,
u'description': u'Cell-level metadata.',
u'properties': {u'format': {u'description': u'Raw cell metadata format for nbconvert.',
u'type': u'string'},
u'name': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/metadata_name'},
u'tags': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/metadata_tags'}},
u'type': u'object'},
u'source': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/source'}},
u'required': [u'cell_type',
u'type': u'object'},
u'stream': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'description': u'Stream output from a code cell.',
u'properties': {u'output_type': {u'description': u'Type of cell output.',
u'enum': [u'stream']},
u'stream': {u'description': u'The stream type/destination.',
u'type': u'string'},
u'text': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/misc/multiline_string',
u'description': u"The stream's text output, represented as an array of strings."}},
u'required': [u'output_type',
u'type': u'object'},
u'worksheet': {u'additionalProperties': False,
u'properties': {u'cells': {u'description': u'Array of cells of the current notebook.',
u'items': {u'oneOf': [{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/raw_cell'},
{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/markdown_cell'},
{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/heading_cell'},
{u'$ref': u'#/definitions/code_cell'}],
u'type': u'object'},
u'type': u'array'},
u'metadata': {u'description': u'metadata of the current worksheet',
u'type': u'object'}},
u'required': [u'cells']}},
u'description': u'IPython Notebook v3.0 JSON schema.',
u'properties': {u'metadata': {u'additionalProperties': True,
u'description': u'Notebook root-level metadata.',
u'properties': {u'kernel_info': {u'description': u'Kernel information.',
u'properties': {u'codemirror_mode': {u'description': u'The codemirror mode to use for code in this language.',
u'type': u'string'},
u'language': {u'description': u'The programming language which this kernel runs.',
u'type': u'string'},
u'name': {u'description': u'Name of the kernel specification.',
u'type': u'string'}},
u'required': [u'name',
u'type': u'object'},
u'signature': {u'description': u'Hash of the notebook.',
u'type': u'string'}},
u'type': u'object'},
u'nbformat': {u'description': u'Notebook format (major number). Incremented between backwards incompatible changes to the notebook format.',
u'maximum': 3,
u'minimum': 3,
u'type': u'integer'},
u'nbformat_minor': {u'description': u'Notebook format (minor number). Incremented for backward compatible changes to the notebook format.',
u'minimum': 0,
u'type': u'integer'},
u'orig_nbformat': {u'description': u'Original notebook format (major number) before converting the notebook between versions.',
u'minimum': 1,
u'type': u'integer'},
u'orig_nbformat_minor': {u'description': u'Original notebook format (minor number) before converting the notebook between versions.',
u'minimum': 0,
u'type': u'integer'},
u'worksheets': {u'description': u'Array of worksheets',
u'items': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/worksheet'},
u'type': u'array'}},
u'required': [u'metadata',
u'type': u'object'}
On instance:
{u'cells': [],
u'metadata': {},
u'nbformat': 3,
u'nbformat_minor': 0,
u'worksheets': [{u'cells': [{u'cell_type': u'code',
u'execution_count': None,
u'input': u'%matplotlib inline',
u'language': u'python',
u'metadata': {},
u'outputs': []},
{u'cell_type': u'code',
u'execution_count': None,
u'input': u'',
u'language': u'python',
u'metadata': {},
u'outputs': []},
{u'cell_type': u'code',
u'execution_count': None,
u'input': u'',
u'language': u'python',
u'metadata': {},
u'outputs': []}]}]}
[W 21:25:30.393 NotebookApp] Notebook test.ipynb is not trusted
In Pycharm
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/ipython notebook --no-browser --ip localhost --port 8889
[I 21:18:54.055 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/yangyy/GitHub/Signal&System
[I 21:18:54.055 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 21:18:54.055 NotebookApp] The IPython Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8889/
[I 21:18:54.056 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[W 21:18:56.558 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api ( 27.47ms referer=None
[I 21:18:56.589 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 2ff0bf8f-4351-4423-a867-23a698f4b820
[W 21:18:56.594 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/2ff0bf8f-4351-4423-a867-23a698f4b820/iopub ( 1.52ms referer=None
[W 21:18:56.596 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/2ff0bf8f-4351-4423-a867-23a698f4b820/shell ( 1.16ms referer=None
[W 21:18:56.690 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api ( 2.05ms referer=None
[I 21:18:56.703 NotebookApp] Kernel started: d1e16c68-352d-4d1a-89ed-9548a666f9ab
[W 21:18:56.712 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/d1e16c68-352d-4d1a-89ed-9548a666f9ab/shell ( 2.61ms referer=None
[W 21:18:56.715 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/d1e16c68-352d-4d1a-89ed-9548a666f9ab/iopub ( 1.78ms referer=None
[I 21:20:29.566 NotebookApp] Kernel restarted: d1e16c68-352d-4d1a-89ed-9548a666f9ab
[W 21:20:38.117 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api ( 2.99ms referer=None
[I 21:20:38.132 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 792636bb-8fda-4d26-9f4f-c92a799ef23c
[W 21:20:38.138 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/792636bb-8fda-4d26-9f4f-c92a799ef23c/shell ( 2.28ms referer=None
[W 21:20:38.140 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/kernels/792636bb-8fda-4d26-9f4f-c92a799ef23c/iopub ( 1.26ms referer=None
Things are working fine when I use the browser
Anyone's run into the same problem?
PyCharm supports usage of IPython magic commands. Prior to start working, consider the following prerequisites: IPython is available on your computer with Anaconda. The corresponding Conda environment is set as the default interpreter for the current project.
Use interactive widgetsPyCharm supports interactive widgets that provide integration between Python code running in the notebook kernel and JavaScript running in the browser.
The IPython Notebook is now known as the Jupyter Notebook. It is an interactive computational environment, in which you can combine code execution, rich text, mathematics, plots and rich media. For more details on the Jupyter Notebook, please see the Jupyter website.
I found that it is because Pycharm doesn't recognize the new api of IPython 4.2.0
and I just need to uninstall the latest version IPython and install IPython 3.2.3
$ pip uninstall IPython
$ pip install 'ipython<4'
in terminal and use sudo
if permission denied.
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