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IPython Notebook keyboard shortcut search for text


Is there a keyboard shortcut to search for text in an IPython Notebook?

I looked under Help | Keyboard shortcuts and there are lots of cool shortcuts but none for searching for text?

enter image description here

The notebook is running in FireFox on Ubuntu.

like image 579
SpeedCoder5 Avatar asked Jan 31 '16 21:01


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To search inside a notebook, use the find+replace shortcut, F , in command mode. For example, on Kaggle, Esc for command mode, then F to trigger find. Or open command palette with Cmd+Shift+P on Mac, Ctrl+Shift+P on Linux/Win. Then just type "find" in it.

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2 Answers

There is a find-and-replace command in Jupyter. It's key binding is F (command mode):

enter image description here

Of course you can find text with the browser's functionality, (I find it sometimes better), but the command in Jupyter is also very useful. I use a lot that function Replace in selected cells when I copy-paste a bunch of code and then change variables or something like that:

enter image description here

(Note: You can launch the Command Palette with shift+ctrl+P, and browse or run other commands)

like image 132
Luis Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10


Enter Command Mode by pressing esc, followed by find and replace key binding f, so

esc then f

Take the User Interface Tour (Help Menu) if you haven't already

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Omar Abusheikh Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10

Omar Abusheikh