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ipython notebook # find and replace has only replace "all" option

How to selectively replace some words in a single cell e.g. there are 7 variables named 'foo', and replace 3 of them by 'moo'. The ipython notebook gives only option of replace all.


The version 6.1.1 of the notebook server does not all address this issue. However, I have shifted to Jupyter Lab 2.1.5, which allows selective replacement.

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Neeraj Hanumante Avatar asked Apr 12 '16 05:04

Neeraj Hanumante

1 Answers

It looks as if it is not possible as of today.

Here's what one of the contributers says on the subject:

I am opposed to trying implement that in our current UI - it doesn't have the needed abstractions to do that well. In the new JupyterLab/Workbench it will be quite easy to build a find/replace UI in a separate panel that allows us to toggle the individual replacements while still showing the notebook (in a non-model way).


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Antony Hatchkins Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Antony Hatchkins