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IPython and Jupyter autocomplete not working

I am very new to this and don't know why the autocomplete is not working. I tried modifying the iPython config file, installed readline, but still nothing.

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user2822693 Avatar asked Nov 10 '16 20:11


People also ask

Why is Jupyter autocomplete not working?

A possible reason a user may believe that autocomplete is not working may be that autocomplete is just taking too long. Circa 2020-11-27 this is particularly true for Pandas when operating with jedi in a Jupiter notebook environment. For a deeper discussion follow the this thread and the links therein.

How do I enable Tab autocomplete in Jupyter notebook?

To enable code autocomplete in Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab, you just need to hit the Tab key while writing code. Jupyter will suggest a few completion options. Navigate to the one you want with the arrow keys, and hit Enter to choose the suggestion.

Does Jupyter notebook support code autocomplete?

Yes you have auto-complete built-in Jupyter, like you have in any other Jupyter environment. Simply hit the "Tab" key while writing code. This will open a menu with suggestions. Hit "Enter" to choose the suggestion.

Does IPython have tab completion feature?

Latex and Unicode completion IPython and compatible frontends not only can complete your code, but can help you to input a wide range of characters. In particular we allow you to insert a unicode character using the tab completion mechanism.

1 Answers

A possible reason a user may believe that autocomplete is not working may be that autocomplete is just taking too long. Circa 2020-11-27 this is particularly true for Pandas when operating with jedi in a Jupiter notebook environment.

The issue can be solved by using the following magic which deactivates jedi

%config Completer.use_jedi = False

For a deeper discussion follow the this thread and the links therein.

like image 114
Heberto Mayorquin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Heberto Mayorquin