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ipv4.fiddler, how does it work?


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What is ipv4 Fiddler?

Easy: Fiddler is a proxy, it gets to see almost(*) all of the requests. When it sees a request bound for "ipv4. fiddler", it simply changes it to 127.0. 0.1. (*)The only reason Fiddler needs this at all is that some HTTP stacks are hardcoded to bypass the proxy for "localhost" addresses.

How do I find my Fiddler IP?

Open a mobile browser on the Android device and type the http://ipv4.fiddler:8866 echo service address of Fiddler Everywhere.

I'm curious as to how fiddler is able to capture traffic when you use the URL ipv4.fiddler. Is ipv4 a special domain that resolves local and fiddler just registers with http.sys to proxy the call?

Any insight would be great.