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iPhone interaction between PC app and iPhone app using USB

I know since the 3.0 SDK we can use accessories, so my question is simple, what is the process to make an iPhone app and PC (or Mac) app interact, using the USB ?

I don't ask you any code, but just the paths and the keys for making that work.

Have I to access the iPhone disk through SSH and work with files ?

Or can I send data from the iPhone app and intercept (get) it on the PC app (and send data from PC to iPhone) ?

Thanks, and if this question is stupid, just tell me, I didn't find on Dev Center (I don't really know what I have to looking for...) !

Edit : I read some news from Microids, they will synchronize PC and iPhone games (i.g here), and somewhere (I can't find it again) they say connecting the iPhone on the USB, so I think this is possible

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Francescu Avatar asked Oct 19 '09 16:10


1 Answers

USB access on the phone is only supported via the External Accessory Framework. You cannot hook the iPhone up to arbitrary USB devices, the devices actually have to support the EA protocol. You can get more details about it via the Made for iPhone program.

Other than that there is no USB access available on to applications.

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Louis Gerbarg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09

Louis Gerbarg