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iPhone Developer Portal won't accept my CSR




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What is CSR certificate in iOS?

The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) that you send to Apple contains your public key, some personal information about you and is signed using your private key. Apple then uses the public key in the CSR to verify that your CSR came from you before issuing your certificate (which contains your public key).

What is iOS development certificate?

An iOS developer certificate is a code-signing certificate, a digital signature that associates you and your digital identity with your applications. On the Mac, you must create and submit a request for an iOS development certificate. For more information, see the Apple documentation.

What is Apple signing certificate?

A signing certificate is the first requirement you need in order to be able to sign apps for installation on iOS devices. Specifically, you need a development certificate, which lets an individual install and run an app on a device.

Also make sure you use Safari for uploading.

I tried Chrome and it always failed. Then I switched to Safari and it worked with the same CSR.

Never mind, I figured it out... in case anyone else has the same problem, I fixed it by downloading the WWDR Intermediate Certificate before generating the CSR, which I forgot to do. slaps forehead

If you do not have the following menu item: "Keychain Access->Certificate Assistant->Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority", then you need a new WWDR Intermediate Certificate. My menu item was originally similar, but had some extra text in the title. Downloading and installing a new certificate changed the menu item and allowed generation of a valid CSR. This was odd because my previous WWDR Intermediate Certificate appeared in my keychain as an unexpired certificate.

I logged a bug at bugreport.apple.com asking for a clearer error message and pointing back to this SO discussion. Edit: fyi.. apparently developer portal bugs should be logged by sending email to devprograms@apple.com instead of the "product" targeted bugreport website. I encourage folks that have wasted time on this issue to provide helpful feedback regarding the issue via email.

If you are not able to upload the CSR using launching assistant, try going to "Provisioning Portal -> Certificates". Upload your file there and click "submit" button at the bottom. I had my certificate this way.

I had the same problem, and what fixed it for me was to repair my login keychain. Go to 'Keychain First Aid' in Keychain Access and you can verify/repair your config.

Second on the Chrome vs. Safari conflict and solution.
The instructions on the iOS Provisioning Portal -> Certificates -> "How-To" tab are exactly correct, but I have a repeatable failure on upload in Chrome, and instant success on Safari. Versions: OS: OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.6 64-bit Chrome: 8.0.552.237 Safari: 5.0.3 (6533.19.4)

Did right the opposite: used Firefox instead of Safari and the button worked.