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Iphone apps development [closed]



I'm very keen to learn Iphone apps development. Can you experts give me some tips as to which programing tool I should learn? tools I should install [of course , I prefer free tools]?, operating system I need? [I only have windows xp and unix flavours on my Personal laptop]. Do I need to have Iphone to test my apps? [poor guy, I don't own a Iphone].

Thanks to all who responded , every message seems very informative and useful (+1 to all), I will go through each and every suggestion

like image 632
dicaprio Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 11:11


1 Answers

You need to learn Objective C, you'll need XCode, and you will use Mac OS X (on a Macintosh) and you'll need the iPhone SDK.

You can test with the iPhone simulator.

This will get you started using the tools, etc.

like image 51
i_am_jorf Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 13:12
