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Ipad Safari - Can't scroll page if scrolling inside iframe

Is it possible to continue scrolling through a webpage even if you are touching inside an iframe? This problem only happens with iOS devices and I couldn't find any solutions for this!

My current page contains an iframe in the middle with width:95% and about 500px height, so when I reach the iframe I can't scroll any more (unless I touch very close to the sides).


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Diogo Mendonça Avatar asked May 19 '15 10:05

Diogo Mendonça

People also ask

How do I enable scrolling in iframe?

1) Set the scrolling attribute of the iframe to no (scrolling="no"). This will disable both horizontal and vertical scroll bars. 2) Set the width attribute of the iframe to 200% (width="200%"). This will enable only the horizontal scroll bar.

Why can't I scroll down in Safari?

Many people have trouble with their scrolling on Safari. If you are having problems with Safari, you can try to fix this by checking system preferences on your computer. Click on accessibility, then go to pointer control. You can adjust the scrolling speed to fix the problem.

How do I get scroll position in iframe?

TO get the scroll position use the attributes scrollX and scrollY that exists in the window object. Returns null or undefined for cross domain iframes.

How do I enable scrolling in Safari?

To momentarily switch between scrolling methods while working, press and hold the Option key while clicking the scroll bar. Safari is the web browser in macOS and is used by default when you click a link in an email or text message.

2 Answers

In my case, I had full access to the iframe and was dynamically inserting its content. Still, none of the solutions suggested by Brandon S worked. My solution:

  • Create a transparent div overlaying the iframe.
  • Capture any click events on the overlay and replicate them within the iframe (to allow the user to click on links/buttons)

This works because the overlaying div is part of the outer document, making it respond to touch/click events normally, and prevents the user from directly interacting with the iframe content.

Html Template:

<div style="position: relative;">
        style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0;"

Controller (AngularJS component)


constructor ($document, $element) {
  this.iframe = $document[0].createElement('iframe');
  this.iframe.width = '100%';
  this.iframe.height = '100';
  this.iframe.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms allow-top-navigation';
  const element = $element[0].children.item(0);
  this.contentDocument = this.iframe.contentDocument;

handleOverlayClick ($event) {
  // Overlay element is an invisible layer on top of the iframe. We use this to
  // capture scroll events which would be in the iframe (which don't work properly on iPad Safari)
  // When a click is detected, we propigate that through to the iframe so the user can click on links
  const rect = $event.target.getBoundingClientRect();
  const x = $event.clientX - rect.left; // x position within the iframe
  const y = $event.clientY - rect.top;  // y position within the iframe

  // triggering click on underlaying element
  const clickedElement = this.contentDocument.elementFromPoint(x, y);
  clickedElement && clickedElement.click();
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Constablebrew Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10


It sounds like the iframe is receiving the user's scroll event, instead of the page. This can happen when part of the iframe's content doesn't fit within the size of the iframe element.

A solution to this problem is to stop the iframe from ever trying to scroll. There are few ways to accomplish this:

  1. In iframe's HTML, add this CSS:

    html, body {
        overflow: hidden

  1. If you don't have access to the iframe's HTML (because maybe the iframe is loading a 3rd party's content), you can put a wrapper div around the iframe and disable scrolling that way. Add this to the parent page HTML:

    <div style="overflow: hidden"><iframe src="example.com"></iframe></div>

  2. You can add this to the parent page HTML CSS to make browser use momentum so that ends up scrolling past the bottom of the iframe and then scrolls the page:

        -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch

  1. Add the legacy "scrolling" attribute to the iframe to stop the iframe from trying to scroll:

    <iframe src="example.com" scrolling="no"></iframe>

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Brandon S Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10

Brandon S