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iOS8 UIPrintPageRenderer hangs

I'm using BNHtmlPdfKit to render Html to PDF. It worked great but in iOS8 it just hangs on

[renderer drawPageAtIndex:i inRect:renderer.paperRect];

To be honest I don't even know how to debug it - theres no error messages and you can keep pressing continue but just breaks at the same breakpoint. In the end it just times out.

Anyone got any ideas?


like image 437
Chris Avatar asked Sep 13 '14 11:09


2 Answers

Make sure that you do not have exception breakpoints enabled in Xcode. That will cause the app to hang here. You can ignore the exception that occurs inside of the method call you listed above.

like image 144
DCG Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10


You can disable only an exception that is thrown by UIPrintPageRenderer called __cxa_throw and any other exception breakpoint will still work. enter image description here

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Dima Cheverda Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10

Dima Cheverda