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iOS -- When to create a child ViewController vs. a UIView Subclass?

Maybe this is a silly question, but I've bumped into it a number of times during iOS Development.

Sometimes I'll develop a view component that I want to use on multiple screens, so I'll decide to subclass UIView and make it something I can use in multiple places.

Then, I start adding functionality to it. Maybe it needs to respond to an NSNotification, or it is supposed to respond to user touches.

At a certain point, I start wondering if I should really be making a UIViewController subclass, and add it to my UI as a child ViewController.

Is there any consensus on where to draw the line between adding some behaviors to a UIView, and when to create a full UIViewController?

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Matt H. Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 22:06

Matt H.

People also ask

What is the difference between UIView and UIViewController?

They are separate classes: UIView is a class that represents the screen of the device of everything that is visible to the viewer, while UIViewController is a class that controls an instance of UIView, and handles all of the logic and code behind that view.

What is a Viewcontroller iOS?

A view controller acts as an intermediary between the views it manages and the data of your app. The methods and properties of the UIViewController class let you manage the visual presentation of your app. When you subclass UIViewController , you add any variables you need to manage your data in your subclass.

What is the lifecycle of UIViewController?

The view controller lifecycle can be divided into two big phases: the view loading and the view lifecycle. The view controller creates its view the first time the view is accessed, loading it with all the data it requires. This process is the view loading.

1 Answers

You should use a controller anytime that you need to handle or control data. Views are supposed to be as stupid as possible, not knowing what they are displaying but rather where. You can easily subclass and reuse ViewControllers. A good example, say you need to retrieve a string (or text) from the user throughout your app via a popover controller and a modal. Create a generic subclass of UIViewController that has a view with a textfield and a button. You can then use this view and it's controller in any capacity you need. Reusing it in the popover, modal or anywhere else (and generally passing the data back through delegation). Since you are dealing with data you should not being using a sole subclass of UIView.

From my experience I subclass UIViewControllers more often then UIViews. It is a little difficult for me to understand if you are solely talking about Containers or reuse of views in general application workflow. Either way though it should be the same.

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Firo Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10
