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IOS Simulator cannot find sdk and the simulated application quit errors

I have been having this Xcode problem for a couple of months where my iOS simulator stops working whenever i run any application on Xcode and says, "The simulated application quit." and "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled." I am running Xcode 4.3.3 and have iOS sdk 5.1 and everything updated but it happened on my previous version of Xcode also. I have tried reinstalling Xcode over 10 times now and have been posting this question for a while now. No one has been able to get a solution. I have even sent in a bug report to apple but i don't think they will respond. I have tried doing everything every other person that has this problem has been told to do in other threads. I'm honestly thinking about just buying a new mac and seeing if Xcode will work on that one or taking in my current one to get looked at by apple. So if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

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Matt Schaub Avatar asked Jun 18 '12 23:06

Matt Schaub

3 Answers

Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads and make sure the "Target SDK" you have selected in your project is in fact installed under the Downloads windows. For me this magically was uninstalled. Once i installed the SDK that my app was using, all worked again

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Axle Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 11:12


This worked for me: http://www.colinbowern.com/posts/the-simulated-application-quit I just deleted the folder "6.1" under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator The I just launched again the app and the simulator recreated correctly the 6.1 folder.

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ste8 Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 11:12


Resetting the simulator settings (iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings) resolved this issue for me.

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septerr Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 11:12
