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ios silent push notification when user denies Push Authorization

I am just starting a project with silent push notifications for IOS, to allow the app to update in the background. One basic point that is unclear to me so far is what happens if the user rejects push messaging entirely? Does that reject silent push notifications from being received by the app, or only cause the device not to display the messages to the user visually/audibly?

I realize apple has rules that an app should not only work if push is allowed, but I'm curious of how to best handle this situation.

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Miro Avatar asked Nov 17 '14 16:11


People also ask

How do I make push notifications silent?

Control Panel. To send a Silent Push Notification to your mobile app, check the checkbox Silent Push in the iOS and Android push settings of the Send Push form.

What is mute push notifications?

When you mute push notifications, a screen displays with time increments from 15 minutes to 8 hours. Select an amount of time to mute Facebook push notifications from on mobile app. Otherwise, under What Notifications You Receive, select specific items to control their alerts individually.

Do push notifications require consent?

Web push notifications require explicit consent from the website visitors by design. All browsers that support web push notifications provide an opt-in for users to subscribe to notifications. For communication meant for all users, this consent would suffice.

Can push notifications be personalized?

To add an extra layer of personalization to an iOS or Android push campaign message, you can use geo-location based push notifications. There are two ways brands can send push notifications based on a user's location: Location-based notifications: App users receive these pushes based on data collected on the backend.

2 Answers

Edit: As stated out in the comments, silent notifications aren't affected by the user permissions. The only thing you have to take care of is the notifications format:

The sending of a silent notification requires a special configuration of the notification’s payload. If your payload is not configured properly, the notification might be displayed to the user instead of being delivered to your app in the background. In your payload, make sure the following conditions are true:

  • The payload’s aps dictionary must include the content-available key with a value of 1.
  • The payload’s aps dictionary must not contain the alert, sound, or badge keys.

Source Apple

This was my old answer true for pre-iOS 8 versions (and still is for visible notifications, which aren't topic here): If the user denies remote notifications, this door is closed. Technically you could think of your own background service, but this needs to run constantly in the background, e.g. via continuous GPS usage (bad idea).

A better option is to convince the user to accept and ask at the right moment in time. This article should give you a rough direction what to think about: http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/04/the-right-way-to-ask-users-for-ios-permissions/

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Carsten Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09


The accepted answer is incorrect.

Silent notifications are delivered regardless of whether or not the user has given permission for push notifications.

In iOS, tvOS, and watchOS, apps must have authorization to display alerts, play sounds, or badge the app’s icon in response to incoming notifications. Requesting authorization puts control of those interactions in the hands of the user, who can grant or deny your request. The user can also change the authorization settings for your app later in the system settings.

Source: Apple's Developer Documentation

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Nick Fox Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09

Nick Fox