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iOS In app purchase sandbox user asking for verification

I created a test user for the irish store

Signed out of my personal account

Launched the application and tried to make the purchase

I get the "Apple ID Verification" prompt

Asks me to set a new password

Please help

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Owen McGirr Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 03:11

Owen McGirr

1 Answers

I was having the same issue (Australian App Store) and today things seem to have gone back to normal, but the behaviour is slightly different from before.

This has now worked for me:
- Created a new Sandbox user on iTunes Connect.
- Followed the link in the email sent to verify the email address.
- In the app, when interacting with StoreKit, the app will then ask for the App Store credentials. Enter the username and password.
- The "Apple ID Verification" alert will pop up. Tap "Settings".
- Change the password as instructed.
- In the app, repeat the operation that interacts with StoreKit. This should now work correctly.

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Marcelo Schroeder Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Marcelo Schroeder