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iOS - How To Give A Peek At The "Swipe To Delete" Action On A Table View Cell?

When a certain Table View Controller displays for the first time, how to briefly show that the red “swipe to delete” functionality exists in a table row?

The goal of programmatically playing peekaboo with this is to show the user that the functionality exists.

Environment: iOS 11+ and iPhone app.

Here's an image showing the cell slid partway with a basic "swipe to delete" red action button. Showing delete action under table cell via partial swipe

A fellow developer kindly mentioned SwipeCellKit, but there’s a lot to SwipeCellKit. All we want to do is briefly simulate a partial swipe to let the user know the "swipe to delete" exists. In other words, we want to provide a sneak peak at the delete action under the cell.

In case it helps, here's the link to the SwipeCellKit's showSwipe code Here is a link with an example of its use.

I looked at the SwipeCellKit source code. It's not clear to me how to do it without SwipeCellKit. Also, Using SwipeCellKit is not currently an option.

Googling hasn't helped. I keep running into how to add swipe actions, but not how to briefly show the Swipe Actions aka UITableViewRowAction items that are under the cell to the user.

How to briefly show this built in "swipe to delete" action to the user?

like image 589
finneycanhelp Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 04:03


1 Answers

I've written this simple extension for UITableView. It searches through visible cells, finds first row that contains edit actions and then "slides" that cell for a bit to reveal action underneath. You can adjust parameters like width and duration of the hint.

It works great because it doesn't hardcode any values, so for example the hint's background color will always match the real action button.

import UIKit

extension UITableView {
     Shows a hint to the user indicating that cell can be swiped left.
     - Parameters:
        - width: Width of hint.
        - duration: Duration of animation (in seconds)
    func presentTrailingSwipeHint(width: CGFloat = 20, duration: TimeInterval = 0.8) {
        var actionPath: IndexPath?
        var actionColor: UIColor?
        guard let visibleIndexPaths = indexPathsForVisibleRows else {
        if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
            // Use new API, UIContextualAction
            for path in visibleIndexPaths {
                if let config = delegate?.tableView?(self, trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAt: path), let action = config.actions.first {
                    actionPath = path
                    actionColor = action.backgroundColor
        } else {
            for path in visibleIndexPaths {
                if let actions = delegate?.tableView?(self, editActionsForRowAt: path), let action = actions.first {
                    actionPath = path
                    actionColor = action.backgroundColor
        guard let path = actionPath, let cell = cellForRow(at: path) else { return }
        cell.presentTrailingSwipeHint(actionColor: actionColor ?? tintColor)

fileprivate extension UITableViewCell {
    func presentTrailingSwipeHint(actionColor: UIColor, hintWidth: CGFloat = 20, hintDuration: TimeInterval = 0.8) {
        // Create fake action view
        let dummyView = UIView()
        dummyView.backgroundColor = actionColor
        dummyView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        // Set constraints
            dummyView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor),
            dummyView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor),
            dummyView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor),
            dummyView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: hintWidth)
        // This animator reverses back the transform.
        let secondAnimator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: hintDuration / 2, curve: .easeOut) {
            self.transform = .identity
        // Don't forget to remove the useless view.
        secondAnimator.addCompletion { position in

        // We're moving the cell and since dummyView
        // is pinned to cell's trailing anchor
        // it will move as well.
        let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -hintWidth, y: 0)
        let firstAnimator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: hintDuration / 2, curve: .easeIn) {
            self.transform = transform
        firstAnimator.addCompletion { position in
        // Do the magic.

Example usage:

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

enter image description here

like image 67
Adam Avatar answered May 03 '23 15:05
