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iOS get heart rate from Apple Watch in near real time


I need to make an app that records heart rate data in near real time and send this data to a server as soon as possible.

First I took this approach: Watch os 2.0 beta: access heart beat rate

In fact it is working fine. There is new heart rate data in the HealthKit every five seconds. But now I have the problem that I can't sync that with a server.

My first approach was the Watch app. The watch was sending data to a server. That doesn't work because as soon as the screen turns black on the watch, it stops sending.

My next approach was to query the HealthKit on the iPhone every five seconds for new data. This works, as long as the app is in foreground.

Then I saw that there's some kind of background functionality that watches the HealthKit itself and revokes the app from background and you can do something.(enableBackgroundDeliveryForType) This doesn't seem to work for heart rate (the Apple Documentation says for things like steps this doesn't work, I guess heart rate is one of those).

I'm stuck now. Do you know how to it? I would need some background task that is executed every 5-10 seconds on the iPhone. That seems to be impossible

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user2529173 Avatar asked Jan 27 '16 14:01


People also ask

How do I find my real time heart rate on my Apple Watch?

Open the Heart Rate app on your Apple Watch to view your current heart rate, resting rate, and walking average rate.

How do I display my current heart rate on Apple Watch face?

Tap the heart icon on the watch face to get your current heart rate. You can also set the Heart Rate monitor to alert you if your rate goes above or below certain levels. To do this on your watch, go to Settings > Heart.

2 Answers


As noticed by @BootMaker, Apple made background mode available for HKWorkout apps in WatchOS 3, so it's working now. You have to run a HKWorkoutSession and this will keep your heartrate delivery in real time even when the app is in the background (dark screen on watch)

The closest you are going to be is while the watch app is open.

Why I'm stating this?

  1. There are two HealthKit's Database (one at the iPhone and another at the Apple Watch). When they sync is arbitrary and decided only by the O.S.

  2. The closest you are going to be to real time is when you don't have any password locking your screen in iPhone or Apple Watch. Either way, there's no guarantee that the sync will happen every time a new measure is added to Apple Watch's HealthKit

  3. The only way to force the Heart rate sensor into working in real time is via workouts or observer while your Apple Watch app is in FOREGROUND.

  4. Background delivery is NOT available for Apple Watch apps.

  5. Watch OS 2 request the sensor to measure automatically (in background) every 10 minutes minimum.

There's no other workaround, if you need real time for longer periods, or while the user is not using your app, you will need to use an specialized wearable.

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Hugo Alonso Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Hugo Alonso

If anyone still need to get heart rate or other data in real time. Use this solution:

  1. Develop an apple watch app/extention
  2. In watch app, using HKHealthStore, HKWorkoutConfiguration, HKWorkoutSession, HKLiveWorkoutBuilder to create an Workout. After create workout, your watch app will get heart rate in real time.
  3. Using watch kit connection with WCSession to send data to iPhone app.
  4. Enable background mode both in apple watch and iPhone.

I tested, even app terminated, we can still get heart rate (I used Local notification for posting heart rate data for debugging)

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nhathm Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09
