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ios break nested loop



If I have a while loop with a for loop inside of the while loop, how can I break both loops?

I'm doing this because the extra 250ms I get from not completing these loops after I found what I want adds up to be valuable after a while.


while(alwaysTrue) {
    for(NSArray *arr in twoThousandItems) {
        if(IFoundWhatIWasLookingFor) {
            // assign some stuff here
            // break everything, not just the for loop.
like image 939
Jacksonkr Avatar asked Feb 23 '12 18:02


1 Answers

This is where goto is your friend. Yes, that goto.

while(alwaysTrue) {
    for(NSArray *arr in twoThousandItems) {
        if(IFoundWhatIWasLookingFor) {
            // assign some stuff here
            // break everything, not just the for loop.
            goto BAIL;

The other option is to have short circuits in your loops.

while(alwaysTrue && !found) {
    for(NSArray *arr in twoThousandItems) {
        if(IFoundWhatIWasLookingFor) {
            // assign some stuff here
            // break everything, not just the for loop.
            found = YES;
like image 96
Joshua Weinberg Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10

Joshua Weinberg