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iOS BoxSDK returning nil for sharedLink




We need to create a shared link for a file and then retrieve that link so that we can display it inside our application. We are able to create a shared link for a specific file (we can see it inside Box Account on the Web) but we are not able to retrive sharedLink via the API. It is always nil, although isShared method returns YES.

From the header file of BoxObject.h we find that these two methods provide required information about shared state of the item.

@protocol BoxObject
// ...

// Information about the shared state of the item
@property (readonly, getter = isShared) BOOL shared;
@property (readonly) NSString *sharedLink;


This is how we create shared link.

  1. Find BoxFile that we would like to share, lets call that object photo Prior calling method shareWithPassword:message:emails:callbacks:, [photo isShared] returns NO.
  2. we call [photo shareWithPassword:@"" message:@"" emails:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@""] callbacks:^(id<BoxOperationCallbacks> on1){...}];
  3. inside on1.after we check if response == BoxCallbackResponseSuccessful and then we call [photo updateWithCallbacks:^(id on2){..}]
  4. inside on2.after we check if response == BoxCallbackResponseSuccessful
  5. on successful response [photo isShared] returns YES but [photo sharedLink] returns nil

And if we check on the Web, we can see that file is actually shared but we cannot retrive sharedLink from the Box SDK.

Anyone has the same problem?

like image 475
dtrsan Avatar asked Mar 05 '13 10:03


1 Answers

This is working for me, based off of the code already posted and the information found on github here

- (void) getShareableLinkForFileId:(NSString *)fileId 
    BoxFileBlock fileSuccess = ^(BoxFile *file) {
            NSDictionary *fileInfo = file.rawResponseJSON;
            if (![fileInfo[@"shared_link"] isEqual:[NSNull null]]) { 
            NSDictionary *linkData = fileInfo[@"shared_link"];
            //Do something with the link
        } else {
            // failure
    BoxAPIJSONFailureBlock failure = ^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, NSDictionary *JSONDictionary) {
         //Handle the failure 

    BoxFilesRequestBuilder *builder = [[BoxFilesRequestBuilder alloc] init];
    BoxSharedObjectBuilder *sharedBuilder = [[BoxSharedObjectBuilder alloc] init];
    sharedBuilder.access = BoxAPISharedObjectAccessOpen;
    builder.sharedLink = sharedBuilder;
    [[BoxSDK sharedSDK].filesManager editFileWithID:fileId requestBuilder:builder success:fileSuccess failure:failure];
like image 97
ohhh Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 14:11
