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iOS 6 - (BOOL)shouldAutorotate not getting called for navigation controllers pushed viewControllers

For my app rootViewController is navgationController.

I found that pushed controller's

-(BOOL)shouldAutorotate is not getting called.


-(NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations get called only once.

I have checked correctly in xcode's project summary (or plist) for windows all orientation support.

I want these method to get called, as there is some uicontrol positioning code which i want to execute programmatically for orientation change.

I solved this problem by overriding (category) navigation controller's following methods



I checked which controller is getting pushed and accordingly called respective pushed controller's uicontrol positioning code in Navigation controller's following method


This is working fine but i dont think this is correct way. Please help me out for better solution.

like image 760
Aditya Deshmane Avatar asked Oct 10 '12 20:10

Aditya Deshmane

2 Answers

You can check the following link, you need to create custom navigation to support should auto rotate


The other way you can do this by creating category of UINaviagationController

code for .h file is

@interface UINavigationController (autorotation)


and code for .m file is

@implementation UINavigationController (autorotation)


    UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;
    [self.topViewController shouldAutorotate];
    return YES;


    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;

like image 78
Shreesh Garg Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Shreesh Garg

I also faced the same issue with the navigation controller. It works fine in the case of all the pushed view controllers, but my scenario was quite different I had one viewcontroller pushed in to the navigation controller (ViewControllerParent) as the root,

            -- rootViewController (ViewControllerParent)
                                          --- ViewControllerChild1
                                          --- ViewControllerChild2

Due to some project requirement, I was keeping the ViewControllerParent as base, and then I was adding Child viewcontroller's view as subviews to the parent based on user actions. Now I had a scenario where I wanted Child1 not to rotate and Child2 to have rotation.

The problem I faced was that my [self.topViewController] in the Navigation controller class always returns me the Parent Object since I am not pushing the Childs into the nav stack. So my shouldAutorotate methods in my Childs will never be called. So I had to put a class check in the shouldAutorotate method of my parent and then return the rotation value. I did something like this in parent class (ViewControllerParent),it is a kind of workaround but it fixed the issue

  BOOL allowRotation = YES;

   if ([currentlyLoadedChild isKindOfClass:[Child1 class]])
       allowRotation = NO;
   if ([currentlyLoadedChild isKindOfClass:[Child2 class]])
       allowRotation = YES;
   return allowRotation;


like image 35
anoop4real Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
