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Ionic which is faster ng-click or on-tap

Which is faster in Ionic on a mobile device on-tap or ng-click. To me they seem pretty similar however onClick is much slower.


<button class="button button-light button-dark" on-tap="onTap()">tap</button>
<button class="button button-light button-dark" ng-click="onClick()">click</button>
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svnm Avatar asked Oct 28 '14 11:10


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1 Answers

Both should be pretty equal, because a tap can only be determined based on how long the touch event occurs. I did something like this below and had the methods console.log when they fired the callback. I see the tap is going first, but click is happening at the same time in my test.

<button class="button" on-tap="onTap()" ng-click="onClick()">Hit me</button>
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Jeremy Wilken Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Jeremy Wilken