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Ionic input field does not move to next field automatically

Im using ionic 3 for my mobile application, I have some issues with my input fields which do not move automatically to the next field. For example when I click the first input filed and fill the first one, the cursor does not move to the next field. How to do that correctly?

          <ion-item >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1" tabindex="1"   ></ion-input>
        <ion-col >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1"  tabindex="2"  ></ion-input>
        <ion-col >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1"  tabindex="3"  ></ion-input>
        <ion-col >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1"  tabindex="4"   ></ion-input>

like image 676
core114 Avatar asked Feb 05 '18 10:02


People also ask

How do you move to the next input field in ionic?

Hi all you need to do is identify the all inputs, textareas and selectors and on keydown. Move to next field. Save this answer.

How do you assign a value to an input field in ionic?

By using [(ngModel)]="value" you bind the value variable to that input field. That way it is always updated. If you change it in the UI, it is immediately updated "in the code".

1 Answers

You can use the following approach, there could be better approaches i'm just sharing what i know.

What i am doing here is setting a reference of the next element (eg: #b), and on keyup event i am passing that reference to my function in .ts file which only calls the .setFocus() on the referenced element.

          <ion-item >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1" tabindex="1" (keyup)="moveFocus(b)"  ></ion-input>
        <ion-col >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1"  tabindex="2" #b (keyup)="moveFocus(c)"  ></ion-input>
        <ion-col >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1"  tabindex="3" #c (keyup)="moveFocus(d)"  ></ion-input>
        <ion-col >
            <ion-input type="tel" placeholder="*" maxlength="1"  tabindex="4" #d  ></ion-input>



import { Component } from '@angular/core';

          selector: 'page-home',
          templateUrl: 'home.html'
        export class HomePage {

          constructor() {


          moveFocus(nextElement) {

like image 95
Fkhan Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 11:12
