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Ionic / AngularJS base64 image won't display

I am trying to simply display a base64 image in an Ionic app.

The image won't display if I do this:


 <img ng-src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{{myImage}}"/>


$scope.myImage= "/9j/4AAQSkZJ ...";

But the image WILL display if I just put the encoded string directly in the image element like this:

 <img ng-src=" ..."/>

I have checked every unsafe security setting, looked at dozens of other SO posts, etc. If I put this small example in a CodePen, it works both ways.

What could be happening to the $scope.myImage variable that would prevent it from binding to the image element? Is it an ionic thing? An angular issue?

like image 981
lilbiscuit Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 11:10


1 Answers

Use data-ng-src directive like this <img data-ng-src="{{data.image_url}}">.

In your controller set base64 string as this: $scope.data.image_url=<your base64 image source>

Hope this helps!

like image 60
Bipin Bhandari Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11

Bipin Bhandari