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Ionic 4 - Pass Data BACK from Modal


I'm trying to create a modal window, pass it an array of objects, have a user select one object from that array, and then have my modal pass back the object they've selected.

I've tried using the Ionic 2 approach of modalName.onDidDismiss(data=> …) as explained here, but apparently Ionic 4 changed "onDidDismiss" to not accept any values passed back to it.

So I'm at a loss for how to send data from my Modal window back to the page that called it.

like image 735
MLynch Avatar asked Oct 12 '18 19:10


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2 Answers

Some days ago I had the same problem and here's my solution:

I guess, you already have a component which contains the actual modal. name UserModalComponent

Your UserModalComponent should get the ModalController injected:

constructor(private modalController: ModalController){}

Next step is to pass the selected user back:

selectUser(user: User):void {   this.modalController.dismiss(user); } 

In your component in which you want to call the modal and get the user back, you also have to inject the ModalController as above and additionally, you need this method:

 async openUserModal() {     const modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({       component: UserModalComponent,       componentProps: { users: this.users },     });      modal.onDidDismiss()       .then((data) => {         const user = data['data']; // Here's your selected user!     });      return await modal.present();   } 

I hope this helps! If anything is unclear, just ask!

like image 108
Roman Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10


This is how you get data back from modal in Ionic 4 :

contactsModal.onDidDismiss().then(data => {     console.log('data came back from modal');     console.log(data); }) 
like image 41
Ion Scorobogaci Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10

Ion Scorobogaci