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Ionic 4 keyboard covers input field

I have an Ionic 4 app that has a form with inputs in it.
When the user clicks on the input, it opens the keyboard, but it hides the content, without scrolling.
Is there any way around this?

This is my code:

<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="sendMail()">
     <ion-label position="floating">name
     <ion-input [(ngModel)]="senderName">

      <ion-label position="floating">mail
      <ion-input [(ngModel)]="senderMail">

    <ion-item class="borderedTextArea">
      <ion-textarea [(ngModel)]="mailText" style="height:150px;"></ion-textarea>

    <ion-button type="submit" style="float:left">send</ion-button>

like image 421
amitairos Avatar asked Feb 12 '19 10:02


1 Answers

I'm currently using Ionic4 with Cordova 9 and all the latest packages, and I could not find any settings within the framework that worked for me. In the end I made this workaround that completely circumvents the framework. It has a little animation and looks pretty OK, so I'm using it until the framework solves this properly.


ion-app {
    /*animation of native keyboard show*/
    transition: margin 300ms;


declare var $: any;

ngAfterViewInit() {
    // This element never changes.
    let ionapp = document.getElementsByTagName("ion-app")[0];

    window.addEventListener('keyboardDidShow', async (event) => {
        // Move ion-app up, to give room for keyboard
        let kbHeight: number = event["keyboardHeight"];
        let viewportHeight: number = $(window).height();
        let inputFieldOffsetFromBottomViewPort: number = viewportHeight - $(':focus')[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
        let inputScrollPixels = kbHeight - inputFieldOffsetFromBottomViewPort;

        // Set margin to give space for native keyboard.
        ionapp.style["margin-bottom"] = kbHeight.toString() + "px";

        // But this diminishes ion-content and may hide the input field...
        if (inputScrollPixels > 0) {
            // ...so, get the ionScroll element from ion-content and scroll correspondingly
            // The current ion-content element is always the last. If there are tabs or other hidden ion-content elements, they will go above.
            let ionScroll = await $("ion-content").last()[0].getScrollElement();
            setTimeout(() => {
                    scrollTop: ionScroll.scrollTop + inputScrollPixels
                }, 300);
            }, 300); // Matches scroll animation from css.
    window.addEventListener('keyboardDidHide', () => {
        // Move ion-app down again
        // Scroll not necessary.
        ionapp.style["margin-bottom"] = "0px";
like image 194
Martin Åhlin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 16:10

Martin Åhlin