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Ionic 2 project not running

I have created an Ionic 2 side menu project and did all the required installations for Ionic 2 in VS 2015. But it still has this message when running the project:

You're almost ready! If you're seeing this page, then you still need to install the NPM Task Runner extension for Visual Studio and run this app again. You can download the extension from: https://aka.ms/ctmhio

I installed the NPM Task Runner from the website, but the message still appears. I tried restarting VS after the installation with no luck.

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Logic Man Avatar asked Apr 04 '17 00:04

Logic Man

3 Answers

This issue probably results from using the outdated node/npm version shipped with VS2015.

To fix this, download newest version of node.js and in VS go to Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions/External Web Tools and move the $(PATH) entry to the top. Now VS will use your external installed npm version.

Then restore your dependencies by right click on dependencies in solution explorer and select restore packages. Now your app should build and run successfully.

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Nils H Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11

Nils H

I got this message and I followed this part of instructions from Get started with Ionic 2 apps in Visual Studio and the message disappeared.

  1. Open the Task Runner Explorer: In Visual Studio, open the View menu, select Other Windows then Task Runner Explorer. You can also use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + Backspace.

  2. Right click the ionic:build task and choose the Bindings -> Project Open menu to setup the watch task to run when you load your project.

  3. Run your Ionic app in the Ripple browser.

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ali-myousefi Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11


Try with ionic 1. I think there are some problems with v2 for a few days.

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kemalatila Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11
