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Ionic 2 doesn’t generate scss source maps. “main.css.map” contains “null”

Could you help me to understand why Ionic 2 doesn't generate scss source maps. After "ionic serve" I'm navigating to www/build folder, there is main.css.map but it contains null instead of generated sourcemaps, how to fix it? Anyone faced this problem?

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dsinitsyn Avatar asked Mar 01 '17 14:03


1 Answers

You'll need to extend your sass.config.js file, by default source mapping for sass is disabled.


module.exports = {
  sourceMap: true,


"config": {
  "ionic_sass": "./config/sass.config.js",



like image 98
Juan Ignacio Mignaco Fernández Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11

Juan Ignacio Mignaco Fernández