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Ionic 2 Align Button Label to left

I created a button in Ionic 2 as follows:

  <button secondary block round padding style="text-align : left;">
    <ion-icon ios="ios-key" md="md-key"></ion-icon>

I am trying to align the button text to left side but its not coming there. Is there build in twik available to achieve that?

like image 274
Prerak Tiwari Avatar asked Jul 27 '16 00:07

Prerak Tiwari

1 Answers

Ionic wraps the contents of the button into a <span> tag which has the class .button-inner. So the HTML markup looks something like this when you inspect it

<button secondary block round padding>
    <span class="button-inner">            
        <ion-icon ios="ios-key" md="md-key" item-right></ion-icon>

The .button-inner class applies flexbox properties to position the text and icons central. You can overwrite the justify-content property and change the value from center to flex-start and this will tell the content (the text and icon) to start from the beginning of the box.


If you want to apply it to all buttons


If you want to apply it to a specific button (where .specific-button is added as a class to a button component)

.specific-button .button-inner{
like image 194
Will.Harris Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
