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IO Other Operations Performance Counter Explanation

I have received perfmon counters from customer site. We noticed unusual values in \\COMPUTERNAME\Process(PROCESS_NAME)\**IO Other Operations/sec**.

The best explanation for the counter I came up with is:-

The average rate at which the process is issuing I/O operations that are neither read nor write operations (for example, a control function). This counter counts all I/O activity generated by the process to include file, network and device I/Os. This counter is equivalent to the perfmon counter Process\IO Other Operations/sec.

On Technet, its description does not appear.

Who knows what this counter (**IO Other Operations/sec**) actually counts? Which system call may cause this counter to be increased and how it can be monitored.

We are working with C++.

like image 856
Boris Avatar asked Jun 01 '09 14:06


People also ask

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Performance counters are bits of code that monitor, count, or measure events in software, which allow us to see patterns from a high-level view. They are registered with the operating system during installation of the software, allowing anyone with the proper permissions to view them.

What does perfmon capture?

Use PerfMon to gather detailed performance information, including how often the CPU is being used, how much memory is being used, information about each Tableau Server process, and more.

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1 Answers

I don't think a documented list of operations exist as it is too broad. However, you can use the Process Monitor tool to find out what operations are performed by a running process in real-time. If you watch the movement of the I/O Other Operations metric of a process (such as in the Task Manager - Details tab with added column "I/O other"), while having Process Monitor running with a filter on the process PID, this should give you good indications on which operations affects the counter.

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Megabit Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
